Chapter 9 - Going Home

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Steve stopped the rental SUV in front of the hospital and waited mere seconds before seeing a nurse wheel (Y/N) out through an automatic door. He hopped out of the driver's side and around the car to open the passenger side door before thanking the nurse and holding (Y/N)'s hand. He helped her the few steps to the door and made sure she could get up inside. She was in much better shape but she was still very bruised.

Inside the car, he put his hand on the gear shift and looked back over to her. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm ready," she grinned at him. "You don't get an opportunity like this very often."

"Okay," he smiled lazily at her. "There are snacks and drinks in the back and... I brought some clothes and essentials. I hope what I bought was okay for you."

"I'm sure it's fine," (Y/N) said and Steve started to drive off.

Being at a hospital in Nevada, there was the matter of getting home. Natasha had offered to fly back from New York City to get them but (Y/N) and Steve had decided to drive back, taking their time and sightseeing. Steve wasn't ready to release his injured little duck back into the pond just yet and (Y/N) liked the thought of pushing the world off for another week or so and just having Steve to herself. So Steve arranged for a rental car and bought some essentials and they were just going to wing it.

"Thanks for calling Jamie when I was ...gone," she said. "They're so thrilled we're coming to see them on the way back."

"I had to call her, I know how close you two are," he said. "I can't wait to see my pal, Jenna."

"I think she likes you more than me now," (Y/N) laughed. She reached over and put her hand on his leg. "Thank you."

"I love you," he said, picking up her hand and bringing it to his lips.

Each day, they took in any sights they felt like seeing, stopped as many times as they wanted. They were in no hurry. They stopped each night wherever they felt like stopping, any hotel that looked like it would work. (Y/N) fell asleep each night with Steve's arms around her, wondering if she could stand being without him once she went back to reality. Steve slept less than usual, hearing her whimper in her sleep. She was traumatized and he knew it.

One morning, when she would normally be getting ready with him, she sat on the bed in a towel. Her hair was wet and she was silent, staring at morning tv. She listened to Steve shaving in the bathroom. When he walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, he instantly knew today might be the day she would backslide into a depression. He'd been waiting for it. He sat down next to her.

"Baby, you okay?"

(Y/N) turned towards him but didn't look at him. "I'm not..." her voice trailed off and tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm not ready to go back."

Steve pulled her into a hug. "We'll take our time." He kissed her bare shoulder.

She took in a sharp breath, not wanting to say what she was thinking. "I'm just not the same person now..."

"You will be again, you will be." It broke his heart to say. "You're my sweet, funny girl and you'll get back there, I know you will. Right now, it seems so far away but you'll get there. And I'm here with you."

"I know, but... you won't always be around." She raised her hands up to gesture to the hotel room. "It won't always be like this."

"It can be," he said.

"It will be different, it will be... like it was before," she said. "Right now, I'm in my cocoon of comfort but it isn't going to stay like this."

Steve took a deep breath. "Well, you bring up a good point. I've been thinking about this myself. I don't want to be apart."

She watched him and wiped tears away.

He looked right in her eyes. "What would you think about moving in together?"

(Y/N) straightened her head and blinked as Steve reached over to wipe some tears away. When she finally spoke, she softly said, "I didn't really think that was your style..."

"What? - You think I'm too old fashioned for that?" He gave her a little grin.

"Maybe...?" she said slowly, she was still taking in the new information. "I don't know, I guess I didn't see that coming."

"I'm not trying to pressure you," he started to say, turning to her.

"Oh, no, you're not, not at all... I'm just surprised, that's all," she finally hinted at a smile.

"I don't need to know this minute. And maybe this isn't the right time or you don't think it's a good idea... Why don't you think about it?" he asked, gently.

(Y/N) looked down at her hands as she played with the sheet on the bed. "No, I'm not going to think about it" she said.

Steve looked at her, waiting for the letdown.

"I don't need to think about it," she looked at him. "I would love to wake up next to you in the morning, just like this."

Steve leaned over to kiss her. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. We have time to figure it out but I'm happy you're onboard." He stood up and pulled her up too, giving her a hug. "You feel a little better now?"

She nodded into his hug. "Mmm, yeah."

"Well, good... now you have to get dressed because tonight you'll get to see your little baby Jenna."

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