Chapter 13 - Back to Normal

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Steve and (Y/N) stood on the sidewalk next to their rental car, saying goodbye to Jamie, Paul, and Jenna. (Y/N) was crouched to the ground with Jenna in her arms, they were having a private conversation and (Y/N) looked choked up, but in a good way.

Jamie stepped next to Steve and slipped her arm through his, leaning into him to say, "You take care of our girl."

"I'll guard her with my life," he said, looking down at Jamie.

"What's that?" (Y/N) said, looking in their direction.

"I said I promise we'll come back for Jenna's birthday party," Steve said.

Goodbyes said, Steve and (Y/N) drove away waving. "I wish we didn't have so much distance between us," (Y/N) said.

"I know, it would be nice if we were closer. Are we pressing on to get home for tonight or do you need one more night on the road?" he asked.

"I'm not ready for the real world but I'm also not ready for another hotel... can I stay at your place tonight?" she asked.

"Of course," he smiled.

Just after 1 in the morning, Steve and (Y/N) walked out of the elevator at Stark Tower, headed for the kitchen. "Let's keep this quick," Steve said, "I want to get you to sleep since you have your appointment tomorrow morning."

"Yes, dad... just a quick snack or else I will not be able to get to sleep."

"I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!" said Natasha, getting up from a bowl of cereal to come throw her arms around them. She stepped back to look at (Y/N). "Woman, you gave me such a scare. I'm so glad you're back."

"Thanks, Nat. And thanks for coming to my rescue."

"Oh, I had to," she smiled. "I would have no clue how to handle Steve moping around if you weren't here." She gave him a wink. "I'm going to let you guys get settled. We'll talk tomorrow?"

"Can't wait," (Y/N) said. Steve gave Natasha a pat on the shoulder and a goodnight.

Sitting on a couple of barstools, splitting a sandwich, (Y/N) said, "You know, it's been awhile since we... you know..." She raised an eyebrow at him.

He turned to her. "It has been a while."

She sighed lightly. "I feel like it's been too long. Kinda feels like you are tired of me," she joked.

"Didn't think the time was right, sweetheart," he said.

"I know why," she said softly. "You're a good man, Steve." She leaned over to kiss him softly. "I miss being close to you."

Steve kissed her back gently. He could feel his emotions bubbling under the surface. "Are you very sure you're ready?" he asked delicately.

"Well, I can't be sure, I guess, but... it feels right," she said, getting up off the stool. Standing between his knees, she put her arms around Steve's shoulders and lowered her head down to his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, sighing in relief. They stayed that way for minutes, just pulling comfort from one another.

(Y/N) gave his neck a little peck. "What do you think?" she asked quietly.

He spoke softly into her cheek. "If you're sure, then... okay."

Steve held (Y/N)'s hand as they walked back to his quarters, taking every step more slowly than usual. His mind was having a tug-of-war trying to decide whether to follow her wishes or urge her to slow down. He knew that everything was so fresh, this might not be the best idea. But he didn't want to question her again and be a nag so he decided he would just keep everything slow and tender. If what she'd heard and gone through was rough, then he'd be the opposite force. In his mind, that was all he could do.

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