Chapter 6 - Lightning Strikes

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Lightning lit up the room again. "THOR!" Steve and Natasha both shouted out simultaneously as they ran to the door for the stairwell to the roof. As they ran up the stairs, they heard the door above open and close, followed by heavy footsteps, moving quickly.

"Captain! Lady Natasha! Heimdall has sent me, we must go at once!" Thor shouted out when he saw them. "As you say, Captain, suit up."

Thor followed them back into the building as Natasha ran to the lab to get Tony, Maria and Sam.

Thor reached out and put his hand on Steve's shoulder. "I am sorry I was not able to join you sooner, friend. You must be filled with anger and fear."

"...You could say that, Thor. Do you know their location?" Steve asked.

"I do," Thor said with confidence.

"Okay, then. I am going to get my things, I'll be back in a few minutes," Steve said, turning to run the opposite direction. He stopped down the hallway and looked back. "Thor? - Are they....?"

"They are alive, for now," Thor confirmed.

"Meet me at the quinjet," Steve called out.

He ran to his room to put his stealth suit on and grab his shield. He opened his wallet and pulled out a picture of (Y/N), took a quick look and then slipped it into the inside pocket on his suit, right near his heart.

In the jet hangar, he walked in to find Thor, Tony, and Natasha ready to go. Sam and Maria weren't far behind.

"I'm flying," Natasha said, heading for the pilot seat. "Thor, you're up front with me."

The others sat down in back, except Steve, who went to a supply cupboard and pulled out a handful of blankets, tossing them on the table. When he sat down, they formulated their plan of attack.

The rest of the flight was very silent except for Thor directing Natasha. Steve leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes before reaching in his pocket to feel the picture of (Y/N). He couldn't pull it out and look at it because he didn't want to get emotional. But touching the edges seemed to soothe him enough. If I get her back, I'm never letting go.


Steve was talking to Clint when he saw her walk in the room. She looked slightly unsure of herself in the new surroundings and looked around for a face she knew. "Excuse me, Clint," Steve said, stepping around him to walk towards (Y/N). The room was crowded and loud, but lighthearted too. Music was playing and there was a lot of laughter. It was (Y/N)'s first official Stark Tower party and Steve already knew she wanted to impress his friends. She moved her head to look for him again, this time seeing him coming towards her and her face lit up.

"Hi sweetheart," Steve said, giving her a little kiss. "You look beautiful." Her little sequined party dress only accented the bright light in her eyes. Steve reached out for her hand to bring her further in the room.

"This place is amazing," she said, moving closer to walk next to him. She raised her head up close to his ear and whispered, "I can't walk behind you because I'll stare at your butt." Steve looked down at her and she flashed a dazzling smile. His eyes crinkled up at her humor, she always made him laugh.

"Do you want a drink before you meet everyone?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Please," she nodded and they walked to the bar.

Steve always thought of her as the most outgoing, caring person but he knew that once in awhile, a situation like this would make her nervous. "You don't have to worry, honey, they're nice..."

Natasha and Sam joined them at the bar. "You must be (Y/N)," Natasha said. "We've heard so much about you." They both gave her a big smile.

"Nice to meet you," Sam said. "I'm glad someone else is keeping track of Steve, too. He's a lot of work."

Steve rested his arm around her and watched her talk with his friends, feeling proud. Eventually when Tony joined them, Steve was surprised that he behaved himself. He seemed to be smitten with (Y/N) and was actually sweet instead of sarcastic, even kissing her hand when they first met.

Natasha walked off to talk to the dj and before long, the dj played something slow, highly unusual for one of Tony's parties. Natasha walked up to Steve and nodded to him, "I got your back, Rogers." He laughed and offered his hand to (Y/N) and led her to where no one was so they could dance. "Aww, they're cute," Natasha said. "Come on, Sam, dance with me."

Steve held (Y/N) close and looked at her face, the rest of the party faded away for him. Even the music was barely there.

"I thought you said you didn't know how to dance?" she teased. "You seem to be doing pretty well."

"Well, slow dancing isn't too hard," he smiled. "I just have to hold you close."

"You have rhythm," she pointed out. "But even if you didn't, I still wouldn't mind being this close to you."


Steve shifted forward in his chair, leaning on his knees. The quinjet shook a bit, jostling him. I just want to hold her like that again.

Sam patted his back from the seat next to him. Steve appreciated the friendly gesture.

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