Chapter 10 - Details, Details

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Back in the car after a leisurely lunch, Steve watched (Y/N) strap her seatbelt on, yawning and looking tired. "Why don't you get some rest?" he asked.

"That would be terrible co-piloting," she smiled.

"You know, Jenna's going to wear you out later," he said sweetly. "I don't mind if you sleep."

"Okay," she said, somewhat begrudgingly. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto the seat.

"Oh, honey..." he said softly, "here's some good news..." he handed her his cell phone as she opened her eyes. She read the screen.

Tony: Just wanted to let you know Pepper's asking about (Y/N) and she's doing much better. She's going to be here for awhile yet but she's going to be okay. Would love to take you two out to dinner when we're all back.

"Awww, thank God," (Y/N) said. "I've been so worried." Steve leaned over and rested his hand on her knee, leaning his shoulder over and kissing her cheek. She rested her head on top of his and they sat like that for a minute.

"Where will we live?" she asked, out of the blue.

"Well... that's a good question," he said. "What do you think?"

"My apartment's pretty small," she said. "Not that I would mind but maybe you would. But it's not like I can move into the tower."

"Oh, the tower would be strange," he said. "We'd have no privacy. I don't mind your apartment... and I don't have much stuff. But, I mean, we could always get a new place...?"

"I hate to tell you, I don't think we could afford to live in midtown so you could be close to the tower..." she said.

"I miss Brooklyn," he said, with a sad tone. "But I know that's out of the question, too."

He watched her think, her face tired.

"Why don't we... why don't we just stay at your place for a while? We can save up. We'll just start there," he said.

"Are you sure you want to move in with me? Won't you feel like it's my place still?" she asked.

He looked at her closely. "Honey, this is just the beginning of our story. We don't know where we'll end up or... you know, other details..."

"What do you mean other details?" she asked.

Steve looked down and smiled. "I don't know... like how many kids we want, if we'll want pets." It was hard for him to show her how serious he was about her because he wasn't sure how she would react. He got a little nervous but when he looked at her, she had a slight smile on her face.

"Oh, I see you as a dog guy, for sure," she smiled.

"You're just going to glaze over the other part?" he laughed.

She moved her forehead against his. "I'd be lying if I said I've never thought about it."

Steve moved his hand up to the side of her face and kissed her longingly. It was the longest, most passionate kiss they'd shared since before the ordeal.

"It's nice to know we're on the same page," he said.

She giggled. "We're on the same page, but I think that page is still a couple of chapters away."

"I agree," he laughed. "It is... exciting... though."

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