Chapter 15 - Dinner with Friends

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"Baby, are you ready?" Steve called into the bedroom, just as (Y/N) was walking out, adjusting one of her drop earrings.

She gave him a big smile. "I'm ready," she said, holding her hands out from her hips, clutching a small purse. The red and black dress with red lipstick was not her normal attire but Steve melted like butter on a hot day when he saw her. Her hair was twisted up with some loose curls and he loved when she showed off her neck like that.

He stared at her with a hint of a smile before saying, "You take my breath away..." He leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Why don't we just stay here?" he laughed, pulling her lightly towards the bedroom.

"Babe, I want to see Pepper," she smiled.

"I know," he laughed. "You just look so good. I'll behave, I promise."

"Thank you. Now, come on, Captain Rogers, we don't want to be late." She looked at him and grinned. "Wow, that never sounds right when I say it."

Steve put his arm out for her and she gladly took it. "You look so good in that suit," she said. "Don't behave too much tonight."

At the restaurant, the host informed them that their party was already waiting. (Y/N) was thrilled to walk around a corner and see Pepper and Tony sitting at a table. They both stood up and Pepper moved out to embrace (Y/N) with a big smile. Tony and Steve shook hands and waited as the ladies held onto each other. They were both teary-eyed but smiling and they whispered to each other. Steve watched them and thought they looked like long lost twins coming back together, like two pieces of a puzzle that needed to find each other. They'd gone through something no one else could understand and they'd probably have a deep bond from this point on.

When the girls finally let go, Tony hugged (Y/N) and Steve hugged Pepper. Steve pulled out (Y/N)'s chair and they all sat. It was a semi-private part of the restaurant and Tony had already ordered champagne. Though the four of them had just been through hell, the conversation was quite upbeat. This was the night out that they all needed.

"(Y/N), I have to say," Tony sighed, playing with the stem of his glass, "I'm very sorry about what happened to you because of me. You too, Steve."

"Me, too," Pepper chimed in.

(Y/N)'s mouth fell slightly open and Steve watched her closely. "Tony, Pepper," she said, looking at each of them seriously, "you have nothing to apologize for. You didn't ask for this to happen." She reached across the table to hold Pepper's hand. "I'm going to be fine and I don't hold anything against you. I don't want either of you to feel bad." It was the first time that evening the mood was anything but light.

Tony shook his head ever so slightly and grinned slowly at Steve. "This is an amazing girl," he said. "Don't let her get away."

"That's the plan," Steve smiled. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

"You two aren't...?" Tony pointed back and forth between them.

"What?" Steve laughed.

"Are you...?" Tony paused and then lowered his voice to whisper, "Pregnant?"

"No," Steve said as he and (Y/N) both laughed. Steve reached over to grab her hand. "I wanted you to be the first to know I'm moving out of the tower. I appreciate everything you've done for me over the years."

Tony sat very still, Pepper smiled.

"(Y/N) and I are moving in together," he said.

"Oh, congratulations!" Pepper smiled.

"Never saw Cap shacking up," Tony mumbled. "That's really great, congratulations, you two." Tony shook Steve's hand.

Steve and (Y/N) smiled at each other for a minute until Tony pulled them back out of it.

"Steve, why don't we just move (Y/N) into the tower?" he asked.

"Tony, maybe they would like some privacy," Pepper said, looking directly at him.

"Thanks for the offer though," (Y/N) said. "Steve and I don't want to be a nuisance."

"Yeah and I'll still be there everyday for training and office hours - just like normal," Steve added. "And of course, missions."

"Hate to see you go," Tony said quietly. "But you know the door's always open."

"Thanks, Tony," Steve said.

When they were finished eating dinner, Tony asked if they'd like to to come back to the tower to have a drink. Steve and (Y/N) agreed it was a good opportunity to tell everyone their news so they joined Tony and Pepper there.

The team was very supportive and they offered to help move him out. "Thanks, guys, but I don't even have that much stuff," Steve said.

"So when's this happening?" Natasha asked.

Steve and (Y/N) looked at each other. "Soon, I guess," Steve said. "We don't want to be apart anymore."

Natasha couldn't help herself and she let out a little "Awww." She threw her arms around them and said, "I just love you guys!"

On the way back to (Y/N)'s apartment, Steve watched her body language. "I think tonight was good for you," he said, watching the city lights reflect off her face.

"I think you're right," she smiled. "I feel so much better since I saw Pepper. Hey, and they took the news about you moving out pretty well, don't you think?" (Y/N) was lit up like a Christmas tree, just the way Steve remembered her from before.

"They did take it well. I think they realize we'll always be family, even if we're not right there." Steve rested his hand on her leg. "Is it okay if I move the rest of my stuff there on Friday?"

"Absolutely, anytime is fine, now is fine... I'm just thrilled to have you anytime I want you," she laughed.

"I'm so happy to see you like this," he said, giving her knee a squeeze.

"I feel... so much better," she sighed.

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