Chapter 14 - First Regular Day

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(Y/N)'s phone buzzed on the nightstand, making it feel like the whole room was buzzing. It had been so quiet...

She felt Steve move as she reached for her phone. Before she looked at it, she turned her head to look at him and give him a smile. "Good morning, babe."

"Good morning," he said and leaned in for a kiss on her cheek. "How are you feeling today?"

She laughed a little. "Much better, thanks."

Steve got up to walk to the bathroom, giving her a knowing grin. "Last night was nice," he said as he walked into the bathroom.

"Oh!" she said out loud, followed by quick releases of air.

Steve popped his head out the door. "What's wrong?"

She had a huge smile on her face and held up her phone. "It's Pepper." Tears welled up in her eyes as she smiled and Steve walked closer to sit on the bed. "Pepper sent me a message, she got my number from Nat..."

"What'd she say?" he said, raising his eyebrows.

"It's not what she said... It's just that I heard from her. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear she was okay."

Steve rubbed her knee, he was happy to see her like this.

"Pepper and Tony will be back in a couple days, they still want to take us out. She wants to know if Saturday evening will work for us."

"Sure," Steve said, watching (Y/N)'s excited face.

"Are you getting ready to go for your run?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"I should, I suppose. But I can take you to your appointment this morning... if you want. And then I thought maybe we could grab some lunch together?"

"Love to," she smiled. "We should start packing you up later. What do you think?"

"Well... yeah... I guess we could. But maybe not anything too obvious. —Not until I get to tell everyone. Did you tell Jamie?"

"No, I didn't get to. Do we start telling? How does that work?" she asked.

"There's no reason not to," he grinned. "Come on, time to get ready for your appointment. He looked at her again, "Well, why don't you tell your sister?... But I think I'd like to talk to Tony about it before we tell anyone else."


Steve glanced back and forth between his newspaper and the view outside. The office was very quiet as he waited for (Y/N)'s therapy session to be over. He heard the door start to open and he put the newspaper down and stood up.

When (Y/N) saw him, he was waiting with a smile. She looked very calm and she walked straight to him as he put his arm around her.

Outside on the street, he said, "So you look pretty happy, it must have gone well."

"I think it's going to be a long road but... I do feel a lot better already. I'm going to be having sessions once a week for quite a while."

After lunch and a couple of quick errands, they returned to the tower to start packing Steve's things.

"Well, it turns out, I don't have too many small things to pack up," Steve said, looking around the room again. He put the box he was using to pack down on the bed and reached out for (Y/N). "How about I take you home and we drop some of this stuff off? I have a couple things I need to get done but then I'll come back. Okay? I'll be there by dinnertime."

"Yeah, that's fine," she said. "Are you... done staying here?"

Steve nodded and a grin started to creep over his face. "Kind of strange, isn't it?"

"I guess it is strange," she smiled. "But it's very exciting."

Steve wrapped his arms around her and they stood there for a minute.

"Since Maria doesn't want me coming in this week, I think I'll use the time to get rid of some things at my place - make some room for you," (Y/N) said.

"That's sweet," he said. "But get some rest, too."

"Maybe there are some things we can do to make it feel more like your place," she said.

"If I'm there with you, that's enough for me," he said, rubbing his fingers down her cheek. "Come on, I'll take you home."

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