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Harry's POV

I had returned to my room with the intention of taking a nice nap before doing some of my homework and going to the announcement of the Goblet of Fire; as the two other schools arrived at Hogwarts in preparation of the upcoming Triwizard tournament.

I personally didn't know much about it, but Hermione and the Weasley twins were quite knowledgeable on the matter.

Even Ron knew a shit ton about it...

So clearly it has to do with the fact that I was raised by muggles.

More like tortured.

But whatever.

As I laid in bed, I focused on my hug I was giving Draco.

I knew he probably wouldn't hug me back since most of his mind was making a barrier field around my mind... But-

As I dozed off I felt a warmth engulf me and I smiled.

You did it...

Harry. You're in danger. Shield your mind.


Do not think of me...I am not who I say I am.


I will die if you disclose anything.

Okay. I won't tell.

Thank you.

I was honestly confused. There was nothing but darkness and a gruffy voice that sounded similarly to the hooded guy's voice in the dream Draco showed me.

Can you reveal yourself...I think you sound familiar.

Oh yeah? Who am I?

I furrowed my brows. You said not reveal you. I'm in danger.

Well it's just you and me, Harry. What's the harm?

Who are you?

I am who you say I am.

You said if I revealed your identity you would die... So if you are who I think you are... Revealing yourself would do no harm.

This is your mind. You have full power over it.

This may be my mind, but Voldemort still haunts it.

A name. Is that who I am?

Voldemort? Possibly. You keep speaking in circles, as if you're uncertain.Voldemort is rather... Straightforward. His threats are promises and his fears are hardly existent.

You speak as if you've known him...

I am familiar with his past life...


When he was Tom Marvolo Riddle. I saved my best friend's little sister a couple of years ago...and he was there... But he was in a journal.


The voice transformed immediately a pool of light came streaming down, revealing the back of the hooded man.

I froze up. I've seen that figure before.


I don't know what you're talking about.


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