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The most unedited chapter I've ever written* 


Draco's POV

The pain I felt from separating our minds was unbearable.

Voldemort had been keeping me busy since the second task in preparation for his resurrection at the final task.

Today was the day.

All I had to do was sit back and watch.

And if necessary get Harry out of there.

I groaned as I held my aching head.

"How much longer?" I hissed.

If 24 hours makes you this pathetic, I'll enjoy seeing you dead when you're away for months.


Draco, we already discussed this.

"Yeah. But I just thought about how horrible I'll be feeling." I groaned into my pillows.

You'll learn how to morph your pain into power.

"This is torture."

I'm sure it is. But you are the one who agreed to work with me to protect Harry.

"You're the reason he's in danger."

I am the one who wants him dead.

"Exactly." I turned over and stared at the ceiling. "It doesn't make sense that you're protecting him by working with his boyfriend."

It isn't easy to explain...but I see myself in him.


He deserves some happiness. Even if it leads to my end.

"Well why don't you call everything off?"

Pride is an ugly beast.


Just like your father.

I winced at the mention of my father.

He had never been a good man.

My childhood consisted of nothing but trying to live up to his expectations. Heaven forbid he ever find out that I had fallen off the chart by giving into the temptations of Harry.

Did he ever...hit you?

"Yes." I mumbled.

I could feel him relax in my mind.

Go check on Harry. He's anxious about this pathetic competition.



"Not pushing the subject."

Why would I want to relive my past by listening to yours?

"So this is empathy."

I could almost hear him scoff in my head before my pounding temples became nearly too much. I winced before getting up slowly.

Drop the barrier and go to him. We will practice holding it up soon, so do not become comfortable with it down.

I dropped the barrier with a happy sigh and collapsed in the pillows around me.

Harry's POV

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