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Draco's POV

I sat in my room skimming over my notes of the spell Harry and I had used to bind us.

I figured it was time to see how I could push our bond.

I needed to be ready for any surprises.

I sighed as I pulled out a few books that told me more about the spell.

A spell that binds souls so that two beings can bond on a higher level.

One can summon, provide power, share thoughts, heal wounds, feel emotions, share memories, and dream sync with their bond mate.

Some pairs are known to unlock other abilities if their bond is strong enough.

Warning- If one dies, the other will feel excruciating pain for the rest of their life

I nodded my head over the information that I had grown familiar with.

I had made a silent promise that if he died, I was going to kill myself if I didn't have a reason to live.

I don't think I would want to experience such pain if I didn't need to live.

I sighed as I turned the page.

Advancements of Unum
To strengthen the bond made by Unum, you must pay a price.

The deeper and stronger the bond, the more painful the seperation at death.

In the deepest of cases, both partners die at the same time.

To perform these spells, both souls must be in sync. The caster must feel completely selfless, for selfishness can result in injury.

I couldn't help but snort.

I was going to kill myself.

However, if our bond is strong enough, I could die with him.

That sounds like a way to go.

Better than suffering until my death.

Unless I had a reason not to.

Ending it wouldn't be so bad.

I bit my thumb as I continued to read.

Patronus Syncum (@emmagarza9 )

The ability to be around each other via Patronus.

This is a stronger Patronus. It's almost as if you are physically there. Communication is limited to mental links but powers are nearly unlimited in this form.

However, this process is very draining. The longer this form of your Patronus is out, the longer you will be asleep.

Warning- This form can put you in a sleep like death. Only time will wake you.

Praesidio Amare
This incantation allows one to protect their other half. One is able to cast spells, curses, and charms to assist their partner when they are not with them.

This spell was traditionally used by witches when their husbands were out on the battlefield in ancient times.

No one can see you. But you can talk to your mate via mental link.

However, when using this spell, your eyes cannot see where you actually are. You can only see where your mate is. Almost as if you were their guardian angel.

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