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Draco's POV

I sighed as I looked into the mirror. My bow tie was a little crooked, but I had spent nearly 10 minutes trying to fix it and it was still crooked.

A pair of hands slid over my shoulders and straightened the bow. 

"You look charming."

"I believe the correct term is snack." I smirked as I locked eyes with Harry's reflection.

"Take my compliment, dammit."

I pouted. "Sorry love."

His cheeks turned red. "..."


"I-I mean I know you've called me 'love' a few times...but it's a bit embarrassing." 

I spun around and pulled him against me. "Oh?"

"Yes you idiot!"

I couldn't help but smirk when I noticed how flustered he was. "Why are you so cute?" I hummed as I leaned down to softly bite his bottom lip.

"I-I don't know..." he watched me as his blush deepened. I could feel the anxiety and want to stay put floating around in his mind.

I smiled as I quickly kissed his lips, tilting his head up as I looked down at him adoringly. "If you don't want to do something, tell me."


"I'd rather you tell me to stop if you're uncertain, than to make you hate me."

"I could never hate you."

I snorted as I pulled away from him. "You say that now-"

He grabbed my hand as my eyes locked with his. "I said never."


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"No matter what."


"I chose to bond with you." He nodded. "That is my promise that I will love you until my very last breath."


"And perhaps you don't believe me now because we're young and we haven't experienced any trials or tribulations." 


"But I will try my best to prove to you my honesty...even if it kills me."

My voice was trapped in my throat. I couldn't even think of anything to say that would even match what he had just confessed. Maybe he doesn't understand that I'll be serving the dark lord in a year or two. Maybe he doesn't understand that I'll be a monster. Maybe he doesn't understand that I'll have to betray him many times to save everyone I love. Even though I love him the most.

Even though I might not truly understand love.

But I agreed to this eternal bond, so that must mean something.

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