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Tobias and my arms are interlocked and he is greeted by the guests and is congratulated by them. I meet his co-workers and most of the time my attention is averted somewhere else.

The waiters serve the drinks and I've accepted a few glasses of champagne. There is a soft tune playing in the background and the lighting from the colossal chandeliers is impressive.

More guests pour in and when I look again at the entrance I see Christina accompanied by Will and she looks around before her eyes fall on me. She smiles at me and nods and I smile back. She is looking good as always and I force myself to look away to stop jealousy from coursing in at such an auspicious time.

It's as if everyone is waiting to speak to Tobias and I try not to be selfish and want him all to myself. He has a big responsibility and he's really good at handling everything. He deserves all the attention he is getting and even though he claims – reluctantly – that it's his father that has built this company the way it is presently, he has managed to make it stronger and increase its development.

I look around to see some more familiar faces. Zeke, Shauna, Uriah and his girlfriend; I don't question why they're here – I'm glad to say that he doesn't affect me; Lauren, Nita and her boyfriend and I avert my eyes as I see Eric.

I look down at myself and try to straighten my dress out of nervousness but stop when I realise that I should look professional enough to be Tobias's significant other.

I try to pay attention to everyone who greets Tobias and then me and I feel embarrassed when I am caught getting distracted. I feel ashamed that I'm not able to pay enough attention to something that is important for Tobias. I almost expect him to give me a disapproving look but he doesn't.

He thanks his assistant, Emily, for helping him set everything up for tonight and I nod at her once. Tobias also shakes her fiancé's hand who looks like he wants to get away as soon as he can.

After a long time, I'm relieved to see Christina and Will coming towards us. Zeke and Shauna also follow suit and the familiar faces make me almost sigh.

Uriah is right behind his brother and I really don't mind him being around. Everything had happened in a frenzy with Tobias beating him in the end of it all and I don't find it in me to care about him and his girlfriend.

"You don't need to thank me, Four. I know you couldn't have done it all without me," Zeke says proudly and Tobias mutters a 'whatever' when everyone laughs at the bluntness.

I wrap my arm around Tobias again, only realising now that we were standing with more distance between us than I would like.

"Where's Lynn?" I ask when I realise why I had a feeling as if someone is missing.

"She's coming with her boyfriend. She must be on her way," Shauna says.

"I hope she's not as annoying as her girlfriend. She just didn't leave Lynn alone," Christina rolls her eyes.

"He'll be alright," I say and everyone's attention goes to Lynn who no one noticed joining us.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Uriah asks looking around as if he might be nearby.

"Left him for good. Wouldn't think about anyone but himself," she states and everyone frowns. "I hope there are some pretty girls here tonight, Four."

I don't know if I imagined it, but maybe Lynn's eyes skim my body or Tobias's. Tobias attempts to stand closer to me. "There are lots of people. Maybe you'll find someone else," he says and shifts from one foot to another. Lynn's eyebrow quirks up.

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