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     Macey stirred out of her sleep. Batting her eyes, they came into focus and she took in her surroundings. She was laying on the grass in her back yard where she had been with Calum the night before. As she sat up, she became aware of Calum's arm around her waist. She hadn't even noticed him with her. She brushed a curl of his hair back from his forehead and stroked his cheek. His eye lids fluttered open. He smiled up at her.

     "I guess we fell asleep out here while we were counting the stars huh?" Calum asked sleepily as he sat up. Macey nodded and leaned her head against Calum's chest.The cool morning dew saturated the grass and dampened their clothes. 

     The smoke from the bonfire from the night before still hung in the air. The fog thickened the grey morning sky. Calum's left hand fiddled with Macey's long hair slightly as they sat there. He started leaning down and Macey leaning up. Their lips almost met.

     "Macey! Calum! You both are finally awake!" Blakely called to them from the deck. Startled, Macey lept up from the ground. Calum scrambling up behind her. They both looked at Blakely sheepishly as she had caught them in a moment.

     "Sorry Blake." Macey said shyly as she ran up to the deck and climbed the steps, Calum trailing behind her.

     "Mhmm sure. Mali went home earlier by the way Calum. " Blakely said, rolling her eyes at Macey and Calum. Calum's cheeks had heated up significantly. Macey poured her and Calum glasses of Orange juice. Macey followed her sister into the living room and sat on the couch next to her.

     "I'm gonna get home Mace. I'll see you later! Bye ladies." Calum says playfully as he pulls on his sweatshirt. He shoots Macey a wink before leaving. Macey cannot help but smile at him and blush. As soon as he is out the door, Blakely smacks her arm.

     "Hey! What was that for!" Macey said, surprised and turning to her sister. Blakely was smiling deviously.

     "You and Calum! Why didn't you tell me!" She said. She pulled her legs up onto the couch and sat on them. Macey rolled her eyes.

     "Nothing is going on between us!" Macey said defensively crossing her arms. Blakely only shook her head.

     "Yeah okay sure. That's not what it looked like when you and Cal were kissing last night!" Blakely said, stifling her laughter at her younger sister. Macey's hand went over her mouth. Immediately she let it drop and got off the couch.

     "Where mom?" She asked her sister.

     "She left with Aunt Joy for Barbados this morning! Duh!" Blakely said impatiently. Macey was confused.

     "Why didn't they wake us to say goodbye?!" She asked, pulling out her phone to send her mom a text. It was dead. She rolled her eyes and looked over at her sister who was reading a magazine.

     "Blake!" She said, pulling the magazine down. Blakely shrugged.

     "They didn't want to inturupt you and Calum's quote "moment." She said, grinning and putting air quotes around the word moment. Macey only rolled her eyes and began walking down the hall to her room. Their house was a small, white, ranch style house. She had lived there since she was a baby and her dad died. She never knew him. He was a kind man though. From the storied she had heard about him. Sometimes when her mom is looking out the back window, Macey knows she is thinking about him. She wishes she could pull her out of her sad world.

     Macey paws through the clothes in her closet, choosing a grey and salmon colored maxi dress, and tan wedges. She slips the dress on over her head and applies her makeup. Finishing up quickly, she walked down the hall and grabbed the keys to her car.

     "Where are you going?" Blakely asked her.

     "Ashton's! See you tonight!" She called back over her shoulder. Stepping out into the humid morning, she immediately pulled her hair up into a bun. She noticed that her cat Mickey was laying asleep on the hood over her car. Leaning over to stroke her cat's fur, she picked her up gently and set her on the front steps.

     "Bye Mickey!" She said, smiling at her cat. Getting into her car, she drove to her cousin Ashton's house to help him set up for a party.


     "Cal where are you going?" Mali asked, still half asleep and eating her cereal.

     "Ashton wants help setting up for the party tonight Mali." He said as he sipped a water.

     "What time does it start?" His older sister asked sleepily. Calum rolled his eyes but smiled because he had just told her that.

     "Nine. Try and remember that NINE." He said chuckling. He grabbed his sunnies and walked out the front door of the flat he shared with Mali. Skipping slightly as he walked to his car, he was in a great mood. He had finally worked up the courage to kiss Macey. But could he ask her out? He let out a deep sigh as thoughts crowded his mind. Rolling down the windows, and blasting YellowCard seemed to help though.


     Music blasted in the hot summer night. Everyone was dancing to it. Ashton always knows how to throw a good party. Macey and Calum hadn't talked to each other much yet. Calum was nervous and Macey was just shy. Calum was asking Michael for advice and Macey was dancing with Ashton and Luke.

     "Man I don't know what to even do." Calum ran a hand through his hair and looked over at his best mate Michael. Michael was thinking.

     "Just ask her out. What's the worst that could happen anyway?" Michael said, shrugging. He was always one to be positive and calm. He got up and started walking towards the dance floor.

     "Just do it Calum!" He called over his shoulder, laughing. Calum got up to look for Macey. She was dancing with Luke and Ashton. Their tall lanky frames towered above hers. They were all laughing and making jokes. Suddenly, she felt a hand intertwine with hers. She looked over her shoulder to meet with Calum's eyes. She smiled.

     "Can we talk?" Calum said quickly. Macey nodded and stuck her tongue out at her cousin Ashton and walked away with Calum. They walked slowly down the dock on Ashton's lake. Sitting down on the edge of it, they faced each other to talk.

     "So um yeah... I don't know what to say..." Calum trailed off, rambling. Macey chuckled.

     "Cally just say whatever you have to say." She smiled and reassured Calum. He dry swallowed and took a deep breath.

     "Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He asked all in one breath.

     "Slow down Cal." She smiled and laughed.

     "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked again. Macey nodded and pressed her lips gently to his.

     "I promise to be the best boyfriend."  Calum whispers, wrapping his pinky around hers.

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