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     "He will be able to go home today." The doctor said to Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton as they all sat in Ashton's hospitol room. They nodded grimly at the doctor. Calum was insanely worried about Ashton. He never knew that his cutting was ever so bad. Ashton promised the band and the fans that he had stopped. 

     Ashton never lied. Thats how Calum knew it was so bad. Calum was also super torn up about Macey. She hadnt stopped having a guilty dark look in her eyes ever since Ashton got into the hospitol. She had staid with Ashton every day over the five days he was staying in the hospitol. Michael, Calum, and Luke had finally convinced her to head home after they found her passed out asleep with Ashton in his room. The whole drive home, all she did was stare out the window with a blank look over her face. 

     "Blakely you have to keep an eye on her." Calum begged Macey's older sister when he dropped Macey off.

      "Fine. Cal it's fine. I'll stay home all today. Go home!" She said as she shut the door. Calum siged and rubbed the back of his neck in anxiety as he strolled back to his car.

     Now he is back at the hotel room worrying more about what will happen to Ashton when he goes back home.

     "Luke, Michael? Could you um come grab some food with me?" Calum says quickly walking out of the room with Luke and Mike following him. 

     "Whats up?" Michael asked when Calum stopped walking.

     "Wait i only came out cause I thought we were getting food!' Luke complained. Michael smacked his stomach taking the wind out of him.

     "Shut up penguin." Michael says looking back at Calum.

     "Okay, we need to take turns over the week staying at Ashton's with him. Luke you take today and tomorrow, Michael you take the next two days and I'll take the next two yeah?" Calum asked. The other two boys agreed readily.

     "But we can't tell Ashton, he will feel worse." Michael stated to which Calum and Luke agreed. They all went back into the room to find that Ashton was all dressed and ready to go.

     "Can one of you boys drop me off at home?" Ashton asks smiling. Luke nods and volunteers.

      "My parents are out of town can I stay over the next two days?' Luke asked him, giving Michael and Calum a quick eye contact. 

     "Sure! Guys night! Michael, Calum come over for pizza!" Ashton exclaimed excitedly. 

     "Yeah! I'll be there!" Michael said smiling. He will do anything for pizza.

     "Sure. I'll come over I just gotta check on something! See ya's later!" Cal said smiling. He hadnt been over to Macey's since he dropped her off a day ago. He slide into the drivers seat and went over to Macey's house. 

     He tapped on the glass door a few times. No one answered. Then he realized, Blakely's car wasn't there. He sighed at her unreliability. He opened the door and walked in.

      It was darker than usual inside the small home. 

     "Macey?" He called out into the silent house. No one answered. His voice echoed through the hall and kitchen. He walked quietly down the hall to Macey's room. Pushing the door open and saw her laying in her bed,cuddling with her cat. Her earphones her in and her eyes were closed. He shut the door softly behind him and walked slowly over to her bed. Sitting on the edge, MAcey's eyes fluttered open and she looked over at Calum. He kicked off his shoes and laid down beside her. Taking out one of her earphones he put it in his own ear.

     "It's where my Demons hide. It's where my demons hide." He whispers out the lyrics to  the Imagine Dragon song she is playing softly on her ipod. She nods, smiling weakly. He brushes a strand of hair off of her forehead and kisses it gently.

     "How are you Mace?" He asks her quietly.

     "Alright Cally." She whispers.

      "Whats wrong?" He asks her. His brown eyes clouding.

     "I feel like I have nothing but my aching soul." She whispers back again. He shakes his head and pulls her body up to him. Her head resting against his chest.

      'You have me though Macey." He whispers. She nods and looks up at him. Smiling for the first time in days.

     "And that Calum, is the best part of my sad little life." 

     "I promise you will always have me."

      Macey smiles up at Calum. His soft pink lips press against hers making her whole life happy again.



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