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     "Your gonna be at the gig tonight right Mace?" Calum's voice on speaker phone echoed through the empty hall as Macey held the phone up to her lips to reply.

     "I've never missed a show before Cally why do you think I'm going to miss this one?" Macey said shutting her bedroom door behind her. Waking iver to her bed, she swivldd on one foot and fell backwards onto it staring up at her ceiling. She heard Calum's laugh from the other side of the phone.

     "I don't know. I wasn't sure if Ashton told you the surprise coming tonight or not." Macey had always hated surprises. She frowned.

     "What's the surprise Calum Hood?" She said, deepening her voice trying to wound a bit more intimidating. Once again Calum's laugh filtered through the room.

     "What's the point of a surprise if you know what it is Macey Hamilton?" She was about to answer but he cut her off playfully,"No 'byte's Mace. See you tonight babe. Love you." This brought a smile to her lips.

     "Love you too" She echoed him and ended the call dropping her phone onto the bed beside her. After staring at the ceiling for a bit longer, she grabbed her phone, opening Pandora and opening her Yellowcard Station. She smiled as her favorote song by My chemical Romance played through the speakers. Teenagers.

     Getting up doff her bed, she checked her clock.

     "Shit." She muttered hurrying to her closet. she had two hours to look perfect. Grabbing a pair of black high waisted shorts, and a white short sleeved sweater. Pulling off her teeshirt and sweats, She slid the clothing onto her body and walked into the bathroom.

    Sitting down in front of her vanity, she grabbed her foundation, blush, cherry lipgloss, and eye liner and mascara. Beginning, she wiped the foundation onto her skin and layering blush onto her cheeks. re-doing her eye makeup three times before she thought it was perfect. She finnished up with her lipgloss. Smacking her lips together, she rose from her chair and walked out into her bedroom. Slipping on her vans, she left for the concert anticipating calums surprise.


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