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     "Your a sky full of stars!" Macey hums to herself as she drives over to Ashton's house. She is in love with Coldplay's new album, Ghost Stories. She taps her thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat of the music as she drives. Her good natured attitude putting her in a great mood.

      Rain pattered on the windsheild of her car. Her red BMW with the rusty fender groaned as it turned into Ashton's drive way. It was long ang gravel. The house was on a lake, then entire first floor is glass windows. Macey's aunt and uncle, Ashton's parents, were never around much. Ashton threw parties at least once a week in the summer. There were no rules at Ashton's. People targeted him as the bad boy but really he just wanted some attention since his parents werent usually around to give him any. 

      MAcey always made it a point to hang with her cousin a lot over the summer so that he didnt get into too much trouble. She allowed drinking as long as he didnt get drunk. People made fun of the cousins during the school year, saying Macey is the mother Ashton never had. Macey laughs it off and Ashton flips them off when she isnt looking.

     Today was the day of another one of Ashton's infamous parties. It was always the same. The red cups being spilled on the dance floor. Michael hooking up with a girl. Luke and Ashton dancing and DJing the music. And Macey and Calum never leaving eachother's side's. 

     Macey turned off the engine of the car when she pulled up the the house. She could see her cousin inside standing looking out over the water. Getting out of the car she walked inside the front door.

     "Hey Ash." She said stepping up beside him to look out into the grey wheather.

     "Hi. It's raining." He states. Macey nods and looks over at Ashton. His floppy curls are tangled suggesting he just got up. 

     "I cancelled the party cause of the shitty weather." He says blankely and walking into the kitchen. Macey trailed behind him. He was in a mood. 

     "It could clear up you didnt have to do that-" Macey is cut off by Ashton smashing a glass cup on the wooden floor. Macey jumps and tears prick her eyes as she looks at her cousin. His eyes are flaming.

     "It's not gonna clear up! It never does Macey it's never better!" He yells, throwing another cup to the floor, shattering it.

     "I-I'm sorry Ashton." She whispers. He presses his face into his hands before walking away up the stairs. Macey watches him go.

     "This isnt about the fucking party." She mutters before following Ashton up the stairs. She hears his door slam and she picks up her pace. She hears his sobs as she runs down the hallway. Throwing the bedroom door open she sees Ashton, razor in hand.

     "Ashton!" She screams. He drops the razor and cries. She grabs the blades scattered across the floor before he can stop her. She runs into the bathroom, letting the shiney objects slide from her smooth hands into the toilet.

     "What are you doing?!" Ashton yells as she flushes them.

     "What have you done?" Ashton yells, "Thats how I find peace!" Macey turns to her tear stained cousins face.

     "Im not letting you kill yourself." She says before walking past him. She hurries down the stairs and into the kitchen where glass is strewn all over the floor. Grabbing a broom, she sweeps it up and disposes of it. 

     "I want you to leave." She hears Ashton's scratchy voice behind her.

     "Ash I-" She is cut off again.

    "No! Get out!" He says, taking a few steps toward her. Scared at what he will do next, Macey runs out of the house. She gets into her car and speeds away.

     She sniffles as she sits on her couch stroking her cat's fur. She had never seen Ashton snap like that. She had her own problems its not like she needed to deal with Ashton's too. She ignors the knocking on the door, fearing it is Ashton.

     The door opens slowly.

     "Macey?" She hears Ashton's voice echo into the room. She tenses up. Her brown eyes dart to the door at where a deshevaled Ashton stands. His eyes are red and his skin is paler than usual.

      She sees something drip from his hands. It runs down his pinkie and drips to the tiled floor. Her eyes widen as she jumps off the couch and runs to Ashton. Pulling up his sleeves to reveal cut marks. 

     "Macey Im sorry." Ashton drops to his knees and the to the floor. Passed out. Macey whips out her phone, dialing 911. the responders are on their way. Macey runs to the bathroom and finds gauze and tape. Hurrying back to Ashton's side, she wraps up his wrists. The blood immediatly soaks through. She wraps it again. She hears the siren come into her driveway. Opening the door, the responders flood in and get Ashton onto a cott. Macey trails behind them into the ambulance.

-------------- At the hospitol.

     "He lost about a liter and a half. Anymore and he could have died on the spot." The doctor said as he reviewed Ashton's file. Macey sat holding her sleeping cousins hand.

     "Whatever he cut himself with, it was rusty. Some rust got into his system and may cause an infection. He is now on antibiotics. He could loose his hands." The doctor says worriedly. Macey  nods, trying to take in the informations and the docter leaves. Macey had donated some of her blood to Ashton because they were the same blood type. She felt sleepy but she must stay awake for Ashton. 

     "I shouldnt have left you. Ashton I'm so sorry." Macey whispers before letting some tears spill. The salty tears hit her hand in her lap and she wipes them away roughly.

     "Oh my gosh Ashton!' Macey hears from the door. She looks up to see Mali, Calum, Blakely, Michael, and Luke. They all come in. Blakely rushes to him and slips her hand in Ashton's free one. Calum sits beside Macey putting a comforting arm around her waist. Luke and Michael stand at the edge of the bed.

      "Guys, he could loose his hands." Macey whispers before putting her head in her hands.

     "What?" Luke says looking at Ashton.

     "His blood or something got infected from whatever he cut himself with. But from what doctor pin head said he doesnt have all that much info on it yet." Macey says. 

      "What about drumming?" Michael mutters. Macey's temper flares.

     "What about drumming?" She says, standing up from her seat, "our best friend is laying here and all you care about is your stupid band! Michael clifford you are such an idiot!" Her voice raises before she runs out of the room. She went down to the parking lot. Unlocking her car she sits in the back seat  running her fingers continuously through her hair. She hears a tap on the window. She looks up to see Calum. She reaches over and opens the door for him. He slides in next to her.

     "You okay Mace?" He asks her slowly.

     "No. I feel awful." She mutters. Calum sighs.

     "Why? I mean other than the obvious reasons." He says, hoping she doesnt take him the wrong way.

     "Because, I feel like i failed. I didnt take care of Ashton, and I screamed at Michael." She said leaning against Calum.

     "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Neither of those things are your fault. I promise I'll be here through this with you." He says before kissing her forehead.

     "Thanks Cal." Macey whispers.


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