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      Calum had not called macey for three days. She was honestly not sure how to take his behavior at the party at Ashton's house...

     He broke his first promise. That is all that Macey could think about as she sat home alone. Her cat snuggled up to her as she sat cuddled in a blanket. Blakely had gotten over her sandess over her ex and was already out with another one so Macey had no one to sulk with.

     She was startled back a knock at her door. She got up and unlatched it. Calum stood there.

     "Hey." He said.

     "Whats up?" She asked him. He shrugged and they stood there awkwardly for a few seconds.

     "Do you want to come in?" She asked him. He nodded and walked in. Sitting on the couch, the cat stretched and climbed onto his lap. He stroked it's fur while staring at the wall. Macey came and sat near him. SHe fiddled with the edge of her sweater as she waited for him to speak.

     "So..." He started. She waited again. 

      "I'm um.. Just really sorry for how I acted the other night..." He trailed off again. Macey just nodded and looked away from him.

     "I just have some stuff going on right now.. It's really complicated and I'm sorry for how I acted I just have a lot on my mind Mace." He finally looked over at him. She nodded, understandingly. 

      "You could always talk to me about it Cally." She said smiling slightly as she crawled over next to him. He was stiff as a board.

     "Yeah well it's just best if I keep this to myself for now." He said. She frowned.

     "Why? I mean you can always talk to me. I dont understand whats going on with you lately." She said sternly to him him. Immediatly she regretted it. He pushed himself off the couch, making Macey fall a little bit.

     "Why? Because I am just not the best boyfriend! And right now Macey... Right now it's best if you keep your nose out of my private business and keep your mind on other things like going to the mall or some shit. Stop trying to fix everyone and everything! You can't! So fucking stop!" He raged before storming out the front door.

      "Calum!" She screamed after him. Sobs broke her already failing voice as she scrambled to get off the couch and follow him. She grabbed his sweat shirt sleave to stop him. He reached her hand and wrenched himself out of her desprate grasp, leaving the sweater in her hands.

      "Calum please!" She wailed as he strode away. He got into his car and sped away. His screeching tires and blasting music was heard all the way down Macey's rode. 

     He left her there. Collapsed on her front cement steps. Her knees bruised from where she fell onto them in weakness. Sobbing into his sweatshirt.

     "Broken, broken, broken." She whispered through sobs.

     No one to comfort the girl who comforts everyone else.

     Now there is finally something that she cannot fix.

     Her own broken heart.

     Calum was right.

     She couldnt fix everything.

F*%$@$%&^^&*(*^%%^&* CALUM HOOD UR AN ASS.


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