Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

*ring ring *ring ring

"Hello?" I yawned. I didn't check the caller ID but whatever.

"Harry! Good morning. I'm sorry I woke you up. But today you and the boys have a meeting today with me at 10am." Said I think uncle Simon.

"Is this uncle Si?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Oh ok. Wait at 10?" I checked the clock. "Crap it's 9. Ok the boys and I will be there at 10." I mumbled.

"Alright. Do not be late. Goodbye." uncle Si said before hanging up.

I dropped my phone and ran to the bathroom to pee and take a quick shower. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I ran to Liam's room to wake him up.

"Liam wake up!! Uncle Si just called saying we have a meeting with him at 10!" I screamed into his ear.

"Ughh what time is it?" He asked.

I checked the clock, "It's 9:15!!"

"Crap, ok wake up the other boys while I go get ready" he said as he bolted to the bathroom.

I went to Niall's room. "Niall wake up!!!! We have a meeting at 10 with uncle simon. It's already 9:20!" I screeched into Niall's ear.

"Alright, alright I'm up. Jeez." He said as he walked to his bathroom.

I ran into Louis' room and screamed the same thing I did to Niall.

"It's too early Harry." Louis groaned as he threw his pillow at me.

"We don't wanna be late. Get up or I'll poor ice cold water all over you again." I said to him. When we were in the X-Factor, Louis wouldn't wake up so I poured cold water all over him.

"IM UP!!" he screamed as he ran to the bathroom.

"That's what I thought." I said as I went to Zayn's room. Zayn came out before I even reached the door.

"I heard screaming and then Liam came in to wake me up." Zayn said.

"Hahaha sorry about the screaming there mate." I said patting him on the back.

Niall came out of his room. Then Louis. We ran to the car cause it was already 9:55.

"We're not gonna make it." Zayn said.

Liam was driving and he said, "Oh we will make it."

When we got there it was already 10:05 . "5 minutes late boys," I said .

"Run!" Louis screamed. We ran to the elevator pressing the button for it to come. Niall was behind us because he accidentally ran into a woman who worked here. He wouldn't even help her up. The elevator opened and he ran in just in time before it closed. We got to his floor and ran to his room. Papers were flying everywhere and people kept yelling at us. We went into his room and closed the door so he wouldn't suspect a thing. We all sat down in the chairs across from his desk.

"Hello boys. Your late." Uncle Si said shaking his head.

"We were only late by like-" Louis said checking his watch, "7 minutes."

"Still. Anyways I have some very important news to tell you boys. You get to have this summer off! So you 5 get to go wherever you want. Where would you like to go?" Uncle Si asked. Wait summer off? Yes. I get to go wherever I want with these boys and not have to worry about a thing. I talked with the boys for a little bit to decide on where to go.

Finally Liam said, "Can we stay in Australia for 2 weeks and then the rest of our break will be in California?"

"Sure! Alright it's settled. I will get you boys a suite in a hotel there. Then we'll buy you boys a condo when you go to California. Ok that is all. You will be leaving for Australia in two days. Now leave." Uncle Si said gesturing us to go.

"Yes! Thank you uncle Si." I said as we headed out.

"Wait isn't Anastasia and Sam there in Australia?" Zayn asked.

"Yea but don't tell her. I want it to be a surprise." I said smiling as we left the building.

Anastasia's POV

"Hi we're your new neighbors!" They said at the same time.

"Hi!" Sam said. I just stared at them trying to remember who they were. Sam nudged my elbow.

"Huh? Oh hi! Um I'm Anastasia and this is Sam." I said.

"Helloo I'm Calum Hood." said the tall skinny boy with black hair.

"Hi I'm Ashton Irwin." said the brunette. He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Michael Clifford." said the guy with pink hair. He waved his hand at us.

"And I'm uh... Luke! Luke Hemmings." said the tall blonde guy. His eyes were as blue as the ocean in our backyard. You can just stare at them all day.

"Well nice to meet you guys. Um do you want to come in?" said Sam.

"Sure!" said Ashton as he let himself in. Ok then.

"Nice place you got here! I really like it." said Calum as he walked around the house.

"When did you guys get here?" said Michael as he sat down on one of the couches. Ashton sat next to him. I sat on one of the bean bags on the floor.

"We got here at 11." I said looking at the clock in the room.

Calum and Sam sat on the same couch together. Aww how cute. They would make the perfect couple.

"So are you two from America?" Ashton asks.

"Well yes and no. We were born in America then moved to London when we were about 14? I think." I said sounding unsure.

"Cool. Are you guys sisters?" Asked Calum.

"No. We aren't sisters by blood. We are sisters by friendship." said Sam as she gave me a high five. Luke was very quiet. I don't know why though.

"Hey! Why don't we play 20 questions outside. I mean you guys keep asking us questions and it's so nice out." said Sam. She started walking to the backdoor.

"Yea! C'mon guys." Ashton said while following Sam. They all started following her. I caught up to Luke.

"Hey Luke." I said walking next to him.

"H-hi Anastasia." Luke stuttered.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked. He opened the door for me. How nice.

"I don't know. I just never really talk to new people." Said Luke.

"Well don't worry. Sam and I are the best people you will EVER meet." I grinned.

"I hope so." Luke said as we sat in a circle with everybody else.

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