chapter 13

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The next afternoon, when everyone was awake again, the two different families were almost doing the same kind of thing. Riff Raff was fixing the skeleton clock as it had decided to break. Miracle was properly exploring the castle, trying to get her mind sorted properly as she did. Meanwhile at the TV station Nation was doing a bit of cleaning. She couldn't help but gaze happily at the engagement ring that rested on her finger. 

Laura was helping her, smiling at her boss. Riff Raff dusted his hands off as the clock started to tick. Miracle hugged herself as she explored. She glanced at her arm that had a small bandage on it to keep out infection. Nation smiled at Laura. She would have a proper 'Family' when she married Frank. Laura giggled and then continued to help. Ricky was sorting out the cage.

Frank and LP came in.

"Hi Nation! Hi Laura!" LP greeted.

Nation looked at Frank and LP and smiled. "Hiya!" she  happily hugging LP and then kissing Frank on the cheek. She then looked confused.

Frank greeted Nation in return, kissing her on the cheek, then spotted the nurse. "Laura?" Frank raised an eyebrow once he saw Laura. "But.... she looks....just like... Columbia..."

"Daddy it's not worth it, she doesn't remember her life as Columbia the groupie, as far as she's concerned she's Laura Ansalong, the nurse for Dr. McKinley." LP whispered loudly to him.

Laura looked at Frank, not comprehending. "You must be Nation's fiancee," she smiled. "Nice to meet you!" she held out a hand to be shook.

"Erm, hello, miss, yes, I'm Frank." the transvestite shook her hand, feeling odd to never know Columbia again, but Laura would have to do as LP said, they would never know the pink-haired groupie again. At least Frank won't have to live with the guilt of killing Eddie before Columbia's eyes sticking with him. 

"Nice to meet you, sir," Laura shook his hand back. "Sorry, but I best go check how Ricky's doing. I love that guy!" she said, happily, leaving with her ponytail bouncing with her bouncy footsteps. 

"Anything you fancy doing this evening?" Nation smiled at LP.

"Could we go out?" LP asked, looking out the window. "Just see some people of the world, I could never leave the house back home. I just wanna go out and maybe make some new friends."

"Oh, Lil, I don't know, it could be dangerous outside," Frank sounded cautious. "Earthlings may be foolish, but they could hurt you." 

"Perhaps if we go to the park, we can try and make friends, and we can watch from a distance so that we can make sure she isn't hurt." Nation suggested, placing a hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry Nation, but I don't know if I can risk it." Frank turned to her with a sad frown, worried to death about what could happen and what people could or would do to his Little Precious. 

LP marched with the toilet plunger, singing a song to herself like a little child. 

"Also, what if they make fun of her?" Frank asked, pointing to LP's wild imagination. 

"With us watching, she'll be safe." the female doctor replied. She understood his worry and stroked his cheek. "And we can nicely sort it out if she does get teased." she added nicely so he would understand they couldn't storm up to the children and shout at them or hurt them.

Frank had shifty eyes once he could make sure LP wouldn't get hurt by any rowdy boys. "Excellent.... Alright LP, we're going to the park for you to meet and make some new friends!"

"Yaaaay!" LP cheered, once she got the plunger stuck against the wall and she was hovering a couple of feet off the floor. "should I show them my toys?"

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