chapter 14

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While the others went to the park, Cosmo was pondering whether to call Miracle or not. He really liked her, but he felt too old for someone her age. He kicked his legs on his bed, then jolted once he heard the phone ring. He turned, the phone ringing again, releasing a sharp sigh. "Okay, be cool..." he told himself and went to answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Uh, hello? Is Cosmo there, please?" Miracle asked, not recognizing his voice at first on the phone.

Cosmo gulped once Miracle's voice was on the other line. He then cleared his throat and spoke in his normal voice. "This is Cosmo speaking." he answered, shutting the door as Ricky chased Laura seductively.

"Hi, Cosmo," Miracle blushed slightly, twisting the phone cord with her finger. "How are you?"

"Fine, you?" Cosmo asked, his face turning bright red as he fiddled with his glasses nervously.

"Missing you and vondering vhen I can come visit you..." Miracle then dropped her voice, remembering what she talked with her mother about. "And also curious as to vhether the Transylvanian sign vorks..."

"Why don't you come by tomorrow afternoon? I won't have to do anything since Nation and Laura want to get their nails done..." Cosmo chuckled friendly.

"I'd like that." Miracle's voice almost sounded like a person in love, which she was becoming fast toward Cosmo McKinley.

"I'll be here." Cosmo grinned, eagerly. 'You still got it, old sport', he thought to himself.

"So, I'll come by tomorrow," Miracle let out a soft giggle. Inside there were butterflies in her stomach and she almost squirmed in excitement.

"How about 2ish? Nation likes to get her nails done in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'll be there, see you tomorrow, luv....I love you!" Miracle quickly hung up, the affection had slipped from her lips. 

"See you tomorrow," Cosmo smirked, catching the 'love you'. "You're not so bad yourself." 

Miracle blushed and nervously giggled. "Bye, Cosmo..." she quickly hung up, but in a gentle way, even though she was embarrassed.

"See ya, Miracle." Cosmo eventually hung up, feeling proud of himself.

Miracle looked at her door, as she had made an arrangement that she had wanted to make, she opened the door. Magenta had softly knocked. "Dinner is ready if you vant any."

"Vhat is it?" Miracle asked.

"I have experimented vith a recipe for a roast." Magenta replied, like she were discussing a wild animal she had killed for dinner. 

"Okay, Mom," Miracle said, finally weighing down the pros and cons of that dinner. "Just a small plate, okay?" 

"Of course, dearest." Magenta smiled, then walked down to get dinner for her and her family.

Miracle smiled a little, following her mother. She had on some soft slippers on so she wouldn't have to wear heels to dinner. Her thoughts, however, kept drifting to Cosmo. Miracle went to the dining room, after all it was the most suitable place to eat. She twirled a bit of her hair around her finger as she rested her chin on her fist.

"Miracle's going to be having some porked roast with us." Magenta said to Riff with a smile, as she served up her plate. 

Riff Raff smiled slightly at his sister. "Good,"

Magenta scooped up only half a serving for Miracle and gently handed the plate to Miracle, placing it in front of her. "I actually quite like carrots and potatoes, it's these tomatoes I'm not fond of." Magenta said as she put some vegetables on Riff's plate. Magenta engaged in conversation with Riff as they ate. They were unaware of their daughter's new feelings toward her distant cousin, and managed normally. Most of their conversation was fading to Miracle as she was in another world. Riff Raff replied to Magenta in the conversation. He didn't notice Miracle's gradual absentness.

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