The Number Cruncher Meets Michael Jackson

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April Peters;  Mr. Jackson. She said curtly, business like.


So this is the number cruncher Jackie hired? Well, she’s hot, but being hot don’t mean she knows her stuff. Jackie always thinks with his libido so  there are no guarantees. I can’t afford to have just a skirt her.! I need someone with a brain. I’ll give her a week. If I don’t like her stuff, she’s out of here. But, damn she’s gorgeous. I really wouldn’t mind getting to know her. Licking his lips. Maybe when the inspection is over we could see where this goes, I don’t even know if she’s into me. I just I’ll find out soon enough won’t I. Maybe I can get her to go to dinner with me tomorrow night. I’ll say it’s business but I’ll quickly make it pleasure if you know what I mean. She has a Masters in Accounting so, maybe she is what we need.


So this is THE Michael Jackson. He brother said he was the brains behind all this. The office looks efficient. I don’t think I’ll have much trouble with helping them pass inspection. Boy is he sexy, and muscles in all the right places. Licking her lips. I’m not into a one nighter but, maybe after the inspection, if we dig each other, maybe I’ll see if we click and I can get myself a ride from him. I could really get myself wrapped into him.  Dark hair, Caramel eyes, Intense eyes. And his features and presence are alluring. Well, work first, pleasure later!

Michael: Ms. Peters. I’m glad you could make it. Let’s go back into my office and discuss business at hand.

April Peters: Okay, Please lead the way.

Michael walks towards his office with April on his heels. As soon as the door closes murmurs go through the office about who this woman is and if they have trouble. They saw Michael’s reaction and knew him well enough that he isn’t thinking with his brain but his manhood. They hope that they are reading it wrong but Rebbie and Latoya know their little brother well, he’s smitten by this beauty that walked in. Now they are on eggshells praying that this time Michael will be business before pleasure. All they professional lives depend on it.

Michael; My brother Jackie..uuuhh.. Mr. Jackson, recommended you highly. He said you come with a vey impressive history behind you in helping to save companies by helping them balance their books and find mistakes that could be costly to both the company and it’s clientele .  Rubbing the back of his neck. My sisters do a great job but since we have become so busy, I’m afraid some numbers don’t add up. I’m very good in math and I have an analytical mind, but I just don’t see where the discrepancies are or begin. The inspection coming up to comply with the Sabanes –Oxley Act has everyone on my staff really worried..

April Peters. Well, I have a Masters in Accounting and I actually helped to write the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, So, I know what the inspectors will be looking for and why. I will need to go back into your ledgers at least 7 months. Can you tell me if up to that point this were even across the board Mr. Jackson?

Michael; Umm, Michael, Please. Smiling at her. I believe Rebbie said so, it was shortly after that we really got busy here and I’m not sure if they were keeping up on the books everyday as they should have been. I guess we can start there and move forward, Ms. Peters..

April;  looking at Michael, April will be fine Michael. Smiles slightly. Then that is where I will start. Do you have the receipts and any other supporting documentation to compare the books too?

Michael; We do. It’s right over here. Michael walks to a file cabinet where every months receipts of spending and receiving are. Monies in and out and accounted for its usage. Handing the seven files to April he said. I have an office that you can use and it will be yours personally until said time you feel you have to leave us. I hope though once we get through the inspections you stay on with us, to help keep things in manageable order. Michael smiles.

Michael walked her to her office and gave her the key. Inside there was a sold oak desk. The room was very large and well styled. File cabinets and desk phone, your basic professional off but it had a homey feel. A family feel, and despite herself a soft smile touched her lips. Michael noticed her smile and in the pit of his stomach he felt butterflies. Something he had not felt with anyone before or after Sheryl. This made him nervous a bit. But for now, he had to focus on business or they all were in trouble.

Michael; I think you will find all you need here and if not Janice or Latoya will get it for you. Or you can ask my sister Janet too. Basically, anyone can help. We are a family here and work together as a team in everyway. The phone outside line dial 9 and the green button is the intercom for just the office pool out there, if you want for me it’s the black button. Any other hit star and then their extensions of which are listed on the master directory by the phone.  I will have coffee and donuts or Danishes brought in every morning for you and Janet will provide you with your own little service area of coffee and water or whatever it is you would like to have. That small cabinet there in the corner, is actually a mini refrigerator. Do you have any questions for me?

April: Actually only two right now. Smiling a but shyly, One where are the restrooms? Second, will you be monitoring the progress of my work so you are aware of anything that may arise and can answer questions for me but also for the inspectors when they come?

Michael; Smiling, the restrooms are out your main door here and to your left 4th door on the right. I am always hands on no matter how busy I seem, I will be very involved with this process always. It’s important that I know every detail. I’m responsible for way too many lives and livelihoods. People have invested much of their time and money into these stocks and bonds and they depend and rely on us to make sure their money is safe and insured. I have a family reputation to uphold and a legacy to ensure as well as employees who depend on me to do the right thing. If you get stuck or need anything please do not hesitate to call me. We will o over it.

April; Okay Michael, smiling then it seems I’m set. She grabs her cup of coffee and sets the files on her desk. Oh, Michael?

Michael; Yes/? He smiles sweetly.

April: Do you mind if it see the ledgers from two months prior to the 7 months? Maybe I can see if there is anything that indicated things were starting to get a bit mixed up or a number off. It can happen to the best of crunchers and through it all off . Smiling.

Michael; Sure, Give me a few moments. Michael left her office and went to get the ledgers.

April watched him walk off, thinking damn what a sexy ass he has. Small and tight and. Damn. Don’t go there April. Shaking her head she turns her focus to the books. A few minutes later Michael walks in with the ledgers and hands them to her. Their hands meet and both felt something. Like a shock of electricity. Both look at each other and both pull back quickly. April is like he’s sexy but I have a job to do and no time to play office go ‘round. I’m not a bed hopper so no way. Too bad too. Michael gets butterflies and wants to kiss her so badly all of the sudden. Stepping back a few steps to keep from doing just that. Michael says to her.

Michael; There you go. Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be here in my office. He smiles.

April; Thank you Michael. She smiled and sat at the desk and immediately set to work on the numbers.

Michael stood there at the door, without her realizing it. He was getting aroused looking at her beauty and wanted to make her his and not just for a night. Shaking his head he thinks fool, Didn’t you learn your lesson with Sheryll. Licking his lips he shoves his hands in his pockets and turns away to his office. Thoughts of old hurt plaguing him.

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