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Rebbie and Latoya searched the office storage area and found the boxes that contained the documents requested by Michael. Some were missing but most were here from what they could tell. Carrying the boxes back to Michael’s office they set them down and gave him a dirty look. Both women left before Michael could say anything to them and he was not really in the mood to hear more of their lies and bullshit. Michael took the boxes to April who immediately started to try to make heads or tails of it all. Michael watched her again as she worked. April was methodical and precise which was good. Michael felt confidant that they would be okay with April working on the problem.

Michael; Is there anything I can get you to help you with this?

April; looking up: Ummm, actually I could use help sorting through the receipts and documents. Maybe set apart receipts for payroll and new accounts from bills paid and stocks transferred by the month?

Michael; Okay I can do that. He smiles. Would you like some coffee?

April; Yes please, rubbing the back of her neck. It’s going to be a long day just to sort this all so I can crunch numbers and find where things went off the rails for you.

Michael; okay I’ll get a coffee urn in here for us and have food ordered in a bit. Do  we need anything else to start for now?

April; No, no, I believe we are okay.. Clicking away at the computer screen trying to match receipts with hand written ledger to computer numbers. Some match but so many don’t.  Frowning at screen and making notes on paper.

Michael; Something wrong? Frowning at her look

April; Sighing, Well, Ummm, I don’t know how to tell you this but, Already based on what’s here? And what’s missing? Someone has been skimming off the top using funds that were meant for investments to fund their lavish life styles… Michael.. um.. This is how Enron got into trouble and why the regulations and rules have gotten so much more stricter on brokerage houses.

Michael; I could lose the family business if it isn’t fixed can’t I?

April; Nods slightly. There could be jail time too if we don’t find iat all.

Michael; Sighs bows his head, Okay. I’ll get to the bottom of this. It’s important. He furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed the back of his neck. Sitting down with April, Okay I’ll get these together that you requested and then maybe we can make better sense of it.

April; Okay Michael thank you.

Michael and April spent the next four hours just sorting through everything. Rebbie and Latoya take it that their days of skimming off the top and free rides on everyone elses money are over.

Latoya; Shit!! We have that party coming in Cabo remember? Girl what are we gonna do?

Rebbie; We’ll do it then lay low.

Latoya; Okay then Should I tell Nathan and Jeffre we are set?

Rebbie; Hell ya girl! It’s party in Cabo Wabo!!

Both girls giggled. It was bank day and Rebbie’s turn so she left with the money and days reserves and went to the bank. Before actually going in Rebbie skimmed $2,000 off the top of the $70 thousand she was depositing. What Rebbie didn’t know is that Latoya hand already skimmed $10,000 off the top.  While waiting for Rebbie to come back from the bank, Latoya fumbled with the number in the ledger for August. Once Rebbie got back the hung around abit to see what else Michael and his damn number cruncher discovered and hopes it don’t lead to trouble for them. Since Michael hasn’t come out of the office but to order food, maybe it will be okay the thought. Both went home for the day and to party as usual at night.

Michael; I ordered Chinese, I hope that’s okay April; smiling softly

April; Yes it’s fine Michael. I love Chinese.

Michael; Great. Okay. I’ll see if its been delivered yet. Give me a second.

April; Sure, she gets up and pours more coffee.

Michael returns a few minutes later, Here we go good and hot with the best service ever. Giggling at her.

April chuckled back and as they ate they spoke about the task at hand and a little about personal stuff. Mostly they spoke about errors. She highlighted all the areas they would have to address when done. Michael was the perfect gentlemen and was very friendly to speak to. Once they were done eating and all the receipts and information placed were they needed to be April quickly did her preliminary glance to see more and highlight it all. She had a look of disbelief on her face.

Michael; what is it?

April; I’m afraid your sisters have been skimming thousands of dollars from you and the company. And it looks like it’s been on a weekly basis. She looked at Michael whose face looked ready to explode in anger.

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