Strange and Dangerous Events

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Michael came in as usual and brought coffee and Danishes for them to eat. Everyone in the office took theirs and went about starting their day. At 9 am April walked in. Michael didn’t see her yet but knew she had. He felt her. April knew Michael was already in the office waiting her she could see him sort of through the glass in his office door but mostly because she could sense him  Ever since last night she had not been able to get Michael out of her mind. That kiss, it was just a kiss but, something inside her came alive and now she couldn’t shut it off. This was going to be hard but she knew she could do it. She didn’t come to play footsie, April came to work. To save Jackson Brokerage House. The minute that office door opened everything she had just told herself was gone. Walking to her desk she got herself ready to begin immediately. Drinking her coffee and eating her Danish April started to piece it all together in a time line. This would help her pinpoint every calculation and data entry both on the computer and in the ledger.

Michael stood watching her for fifteen minutes before entering her office to sit with her and have coffee and his Danish. They usually were bubbly and spoke but this morning neither could even look up with out blushing or laughing nervously. Michael licked his lips before he went to speak.

Michael; I –I want to apologize about last night. I should never have done that. I don’t’regret the kiss at all. I regret how I just slammed in and did it. I do apologize. I hope you can forgive me. Can we start over? He asked nervously.

April; Sure. It’s okay, I’m not mad about the kiss I found it rather nice. I was just surprised at first is all. She smiled at him.

Michael; Friends? Smiling

April; Friends. Smiling back.

They settled into their normal teasing and laughing routine and went straight to work. During the day sometime, someone dropped off a small package for April. When she opened it she got ths shock of her life.


Michael came running. What!!?? What happened??

April; apologized fr screaming and showed him the box. See?? What the hell is that?

Jackie; What happened? He had just walked into the office when he heard April scream.

Michael; Someone’s idea of a joke I guess, he showed Jackie the mouse.

Jackie; I am so sorry this happened April. I hope we get no more pranksters here.

The office floor heard him and they knew he was dead serious. They understood that Jackie was more quiet and reserved. So if Jackie said something, they knew to leave go and do as he said. Michael and April finished out the day with no more shocking surprises as they finished up for the night. Michael walked April to her car and when the got there her car had been vandalized. Michael was pissed. He called the Triple A tow  truck service and had the car taken to his mechanic and he was going to pay for the repair. April tried to protest and Michael said no because it happened on his property. Michael took April home and said he’d pick her up in the morning. After doing a quick check of the house and deemed it safe for April  Michael said good night and he would pick her up in morning at 8 am.

The next few days nothing happened really just hang up calls and a few moments of being watched. Someone knocked at her door in the middle of the night but no one was there. The next day a dead cat had been hung on her porch. Michael was pissed and called the police. Once the report was given, the went to work. No more odd things the rest of the week until…



The car bore down on her and there was really no where to go, She stood flat against the all and the car missed her by inches. Michael raced to April’s side. Held her in his arms and decided that she was either staying with him at his place or he with her but no longer were there going to be any alone time until they caught the and stopped.

Michael; Oh god!! I'm so scared for you. This is crazy. We must find out who.

Jackie; I called the police, they should be fore shortly

Detective Smith: Well ma'am. can you think of anyone who may want you dead. or just to scare you?

Apirl; No, I don't know anyone like that. frowns and looks at Michael who pulls her into hsi warm embreace. She needed Michael' comfort right now, this latest attack has her shaken and really is afraid thati if she is alone they will kill her. 

They had no idea it was their own sister Rebbie behind the attacks. That’s not right and if Michael or Jackie found out Rebbie sister or not would be hurting bad. Michael took her home to her place and told her to pack some stuff to stay with his home.

April; Thank you Michael. You are so kind and loving and I appreciate it dearly, but I will not let anyone chase me from my home. Not easily anyway. 





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