Discrepancies Facing The Truth

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Michael’s jaw was clenched and he was trying so hard not to explode and scare April but he was so pissed off at his sisters. Stealing from him, from the company, worse yet their clients who came to them in good faith to invest their hard earned money. This made him sick. Now he wondered how far back their thievery went. Clearing his throat, looking at April Michael said.

Michael; I’ll be right back. He leaves the office fast.

April begins to dig through more records and finds more irregularities. Based on what she had discovered over all now and that is only in five months worth of records half a million dollars has been skimmed from the company. Shaking her head in disbelief at the numbers. This is almost as bad as Enron was she murmurs to herself.


April; Yes?

The door opens and in walks Jackie Jackson. April’s eye widen. She didn’t remember him looking so sexy. April thought he’s almost as hot as Michael is. Smiling at him.

April; Hello Jackie.

Jackie; Hello April! Smiling at her with a little hint of seduction.


Damn! This foxy lady’s fine! How could I not see that before? I’ll tell you what, if Michael don’t jump up on it and tap that, licking his lips, I sure will. Her hair and face are hot looking and curves in all the right places. I can see her nipples through her blouse. “Oh sexy mama what you do to me! You are giving ol’ Jackie a fever!! “ I’ll be cool till I see if Michael gonna tap it. If not fair game and I will ride that little fox for sure! And she’s smart too makes her sexy in a whole new way.

April: How are you Jackie? She smiles but is thinking Oh god is he sexy. But Michael’s really hot. Focus April she tell herself.

Jackie; I’m great I really am sorry I couldn’t be here earlier. Something really came up and I had to deal with it right away. So what’s happening? How are we looking? He stands close to her. Inhaling her sent.

April; inhaling his musky sexy scent, It’s perfectly okay. I understand business matters don’t work on our schedules we work on theirs. Soft giggles, Your brother is very knowledgable and has been helping a lot with the details and records. I am afraid the news isn’t good however. Frowning.

Jackie immediately forgets about his libido, What do you mean? He looks at her

April; Do you ever handle the ledgers or receipts?

Jackie;  No. No of us guys have it’s always been our sisters. Why?

April: Well, I was af-

Michael; Walking in with several boxes of records from when their dad was in charge. That our sisters have been fucking us!

Jackie: Excuse me?! You wanna run that one by me again? Shocked looking at Michael.

Michael; They’ve been skimming.

Jackie: What the fu-  pissed looking around the room in disbelief, Are you sure? I mean, their family! Why?!

Michael: Apparently it’s been for a long time and if we find in here what I suspect, it could be the reason dad almost lost this place. It wasn’t the times or bad judgment and management it was thievery from within our one family.

Jackie: All three of them??

Michael; No, Rebbie and Latoya. Janet only did the books a month, that seems to be the month that there was nothing missing or miscalculations made to hide anything.

Jackie; Son of a bitch!! How could they?? I mean for real??!! Our own flesh and blood!!

Michael; Don’t say anything to them just yet. I’ve put a call in already to Frank at the bank and all deposit records for the last 10 months are being faxed in here to April’s fax machine in a few minutes. We’ll be able to confirm exactly what they have taken each time and confront them in the morning here.

Jackie; You want to do so here?

April; I can not legally let any records leave this office now that we are preparing for inspection and trying to fix what’s wrong and make it right again. Under Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 27b No records may be removed from premises once discrepancies have been discovered.

Jackie; So how bad is it as of right now?

April; Half a million dollars and rising.

Jackie sat down hard on the floor he could not believe his ears or his eyes. Their own flesh and blood burning them like this. If this gets out Jackson Brokerage House is gone. Michael looked at Jackie and felt as sick as he did. But the good thing is they had April to help. Michael looked at her and his pulse raced, his heart pounded and his stomach felt all fluttery. When April looked at him, he felt weak in the knees. April looked up at both the brothers and knew they were dealing with a full gammet of emotions because these were their sisters they were discovering were the one’s behind the discrepancies in money missing and numbers not adding up. April looked at Michael and her heart flip flopped. She looked at Jackie and thought he’s hot too but she’s not interested in him. April tries to focus on the work at hand as her fax machine beeps. Looking at the records that were just faxed and comparing with what they have already learned.

April; Michael, Jackie, we have a problem? It’s been confirmed.


Michael; REBBIE!! LATOYA!! NOW!! 

The girls look at each other and wonder what could be the problem now. They were thinking could they have found out everything both are hesitant to go into the office. They knew Michael’s temper and it was at defcon 12 right now.

Jackie; Rebbie, Latoya, you better go. Don’t want family business all up in the floor here do you? 

They looked at Jackie is shocked surprise. Rebbie recovered first.

Rebbie; Of course not but you know Michael likes to through his weight around. I’m not his lap dog and I’ll go when I please.

Jackie; You will go now. He motioned for security to come over.

Latoya; Jackie what are you doing?

Jackie; You will see now get into the office now.  He said coldly.

Rebbie and Latoya walked into Michael’s office  and got the shock of their lives.

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