Michael Is Attracted To April

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Rebbie; Looking at Latoya.  Come on pay the man.

Latoya; I’m not paying for you too. Just myself.

Rebbie; You BITCH!!!

Latoya; Same to you, I’m done. Laters!! She pays her bail and walks away leaving Rebbie behind.

Bailiff; You going to pay you bail or do you go back inside?

Rebbie; mumbling under her breath.  Fine!! Pulls out the money and pays it in full.

Jackie and April were dancing very well together on the dance floor. They had just enjoyed a wonderful dinner together laughing and having fun. Both men asked April questions and got to know her more as she did them. A slow dance came on and Michael took the opportunity to dance with April. Jackie reluctantly lets Michael take over on the dance floor.

Michael took April in his arms and held her closely to his body. They swayed gently to the music. Michael smiled softly at April and she looked at him with a soft smile of her own. Jackie saw their faces and knew that Michael really was falling for April. He was happy for his brother and a bit jealous but he slipped out quietly and let the two of them have a lovely night together.

Jackie;  Hello sweetness! He smiled

Woman; Giggling Hello sexy!

Jackie; Attached?

Woman; To you!

Jackie; Now?

Woman;  Wrapped up for you

Jackie; Let’s go.

Jackie and the woman left the restaurant together and headed to her place. Jackie held her in his arms as they walked. Barely making it to her car, he slams her up against it and starts kissing on her. Lifting the front of her dress up he unzips his pants and rams into her there in the parking lot against her car. She wraps her legs around him letting her fill her repeatedly with his shaft. Both are moaning and really getting their groove on. While in side the restaurant, Michael and April are getting closer to each other. Michael can’t take his eyes off of April. His hands slowly caress her body. The song ends and they return to the table. Jackie is gone.

April; Frowning,  Where’s Jackie?

Michael; looking around well if I know my brother he has found himself someone and they are off to either his or her place. He grins and blushes.

April; giggles. Oh. Is that how it is?

Michael; I’m afraid so. Grinning.

April; Smiling. Well that’s okay by me. I’m having a nice time with you anyway.

They sat and talked and laughed more. Michael told April about his childhood and the trips they would all take. April told him about hers and the silly stuff as kids they did.

Michael; You ready to go?

April: Yes, I am thank you.

Michael took April’s hand gently in his and they walked to the car in the parking lot. As they approached April’s car a figure steps out and tells then to hand over their wallets. Michael immediately steps between April and the figure. Michael turned to the figure as if he was going to do it, instead, he drop kicked him and the figure went down to the floor.

Michael: Get in your car and go. I’ll be over shortly to make sure you are okay and got home safely. Go!!

Michael balling his fist ready to fight, if the guy started to move again. April got in her car and raced out of the parking lot. She felt bad leaving Michael there but he said to go and it wasn’t safe there with that man so she headed for home as Michael asked her to.


April got home and went inside and locked the door. She got comfortable for the night. April really didn’t expect Michael to really come but it was kind of him to say he would.

She was sitting on her sofa in front of the fireplace in her short silk nightie watching Halloween on the tv it was her own copy. Popcorn and hot chocolate, she was all set for the night. So when she heard the door knock, it sort of shocked her.

Knock! Knock!

April walked to the door and opened it slowly. Michael was at the other end. Her eyes were big in shock. She forgot she was barely covered clothes wise. The minute the door was wide enough Michael steps in and takes her in his arms.

Michael; Oh god! You are okay. I was so worried. I know he didn’t hurt you but, i-I just – I had to see for myself.

Without even thinking about what he was doing besides holding her tight, he lowered his head to kiss her lovingly and tenderly. At first April was shocked and did not respond but Michael’s kiss felt so good. She soon forgot her surprise at it and responded to him hungrily. Michael kissed her deeply and passionately. When he finally broke the kiss off, he was breathless and his heart pounded. April blushed pretty bad.but didn’t say much. She sort of smiled and looked down shyly.

Michael; I-I am sorry. I. running his hands through his hair. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you or the situation. I. I have just wanted to kiss you all night. No. Actually, since the moment I met you. Biting his lip. I apologize for my boldness. You are just so beautiful and I couldn’t stop myself. Are you okay? Do you need anything before I go?

April; I’m okay, Would you like to have some coffee?

Michael; Yes, actually I would, but at the moment if I don’t leave, I’m afraid I can’t control myself and I don’t want to tae advantage of you or the situation. Caressing her cheek, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I’ll see you tomorrow. He smiled and winked then left. April locked the door.

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