3 - Did I Do That?

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We all head over to the water park meeting Uncle Tarot and Uncle Miller there with their kids as well. As promised by Kalij, Ace brought her boyfriend with her.
"Hey, Sim-Sim, haven't seen you in a while." Uncle Tarot says with a hug to me. "How have things been in college?"
"Pretty good. I might need your help before I go back on some things I was thinking on about my project."
"Sure, I'd love to help."
"You didn't say you needed some help, Sim." Dad says with a casual look.
"It's not that I didn't want your help, Dad, but Uncle Tarot has some experience from his other studies that will help me with mine."
He makes a face but Tamari smacks him softly.
"Dexter, don't get offended. Sim would have asked you if you had what he needed. Let's have fun and not have a jealousy issue."
"Tamari's right. Let's just have fun with our kids and play in the water. Have fun today." Tarot says, throwing his arm around Dad in a brotherly fashion.
Dad laughs and we walk along to go keep up with the others. I am the oldest of all the kids so I don't have anyone to hang out with.
"You didn't bring your girlfriend home?" Leilani says as she holds hands with Uncle Tarot.
"She didn't want to come. She said something about visiting her own family."
"Not the nicest one that you've had." Uncle Miller says with a look. "Why did you never go out with that young lady that you were friends with for a long time? What was her name?"
"You mean Tayla?"
"Yes, her. She was a lovely girl, though she had some strange hair colors but she was always nice and polite. You both got along quite well I do recall."
"We just sort of lost touch after I skipped grades and everything and never really made contact with each other again until this morning actually."
"You didn't want to invite her to the park and catch up?" Aunt Lotti asked.
"It would be a little weird for me to be here with her without Sansr. I'm sure rumor would get around and then she'd have my hide-"
"Sim!" someone yelled.
I turned and was surprised to see Sansr. She ran up to me and jumped into my arms, kissing me passionately and wrapping her legs around my waist.
"I missed you." She said with a smirk and then looked over my shoulder. "Hello, Mr. Leoda, Mrs. Leoda."
"Hello, Sansr. Fancy meeting you here." Dad said.
"Wouldn't you know that my family was taking a trip to here? My parents and sister are over there by the lagoon ride." She said, pointing.
I looked over and three people waved at me. I waved back and set Sansr down.
"How long have you been here?"
"Pretty much the whole time. I figured you wanted to spend time with your family -I know I did mine- so I didn't bother to say anything. I don't want to go back to school though." She moaned, putting her head on my chest.
I smiled. "I am. I need to get back to my nanobots so that I can get them programmed and tested out."
Sansr rolled her hazel eyes. "You and those dumb nanobots. I swear you care more about those things than you do me."
"I love you both equally." I say with a smile.
She smiles and then takes a step back.
"I have to go back with my family but we'll get together back on campus, yeah?"
"Bye sweetie..."
She trots off in her bikini to her parents and I look at my family as they all watch me. I smile sheepishly at them and decide to go and find my brothers.

"Hey, Sim! Can you get a picture of all of us together?" Jai yelled, waving at me as I got up to the water.
I nodded and he handed me the camera. All the kids got together, minus Billy (Ace's boyfriend) and I snapped the picture. It was odd seeing them all together like that with the secrets that I know, the triplets all beside each other not knowing they were blood brothers.
"Now get in so we have one of all of us." Ace said, holding out her hand. "Billy can take the picture."
"No, I'm okay, I don't want to be in it."
"Aw come on!" Bay yelled. "We hardly have any picture with you and us together."
I sighed but handed the camera to Billy and got in between Bay and Ichor. He took the picture and everyone dispersed a little. Kalij was the youngest of the group so while the others were together, he was left by himself like me. He looked up at me.
"Do you want to go on the slide with me?"
"Sure..." I said with a smile and headed up the ramp to the top of the slides.

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