6 - Distant Present

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Since I got my nanobots all programmed, I had time now to be with my demanding Sansr. Not that I didn't like her and all but boy, she was horrible with time management and her. She had to be the center of the time management...
"Can you get me that, Sim?" she asked, pointing to some fashion bag.
I looked in my wallet and laughed in my head. Yeah right.... I mean, I had enough to get it for her but I just didn't feel like feeding her selfishness today.
"Sorry, babe, not today."
She pouted but hugged my arm closer to her as we walked through the mall.
"Well, can I get a new dress for the party tomorrow?"
"That's fine."
She squeaked and pulled me into some department store. I sat on the little sofa outside of the dressing room to wait for her, bored out of my mind. I pulled out my phone and started playing Angry Birds when I heard the door open.
"Well?" she asked quietly.
I looked up and gulped. She looked amazing and so beautiful. I suddenly wanted to do things to her. I wanted to take her into the stall and do many, many things to her in many, many ways. The way she had her hand on her neck was so enticing and her bare shoulders made me feel claustrophobic. I pulled at my collar and smiled.
"It looks sexy."
She pouted. "I don't want sexy. I want something else..."
She went back into the stall and I grabbed a magazine to fan myself. I thought I was going to have to strip right there... I rigidly waited for her to come back out. When she did, I thought I was going to jump her bones. I almost did, for I got up and just stared at her. Her front was covered but when she turned around, the back of her dress came so enticingly low to the top of her butt. I had to stop myself from touching her.
Sansr smiled and put her hands on her hips.
"That's what I want. You wanted to sex me up didn't you?"
"Uh... yeah..." I said, slowly sitting back down.
She grinned and took her hair down, letting those red curls cascade all about her shoulders. That did it for me and I stood up, going to her. I grabbed her and pulled her to me by the small of her back. She gasped and then smiled at me.
"Sim, I didn't think you worked down there."
"I assure you, I'm well endowed." I said, playing with the jewel that was so close to her butt. "I never said I wasn't."
"Well, with that celibate attitude you had, it was like dating a monk... I'm glad to know that I arouse your interests."
I growled and pushed her into the dressing room, making her fall on the small cushioned bench inside. I kissed her passionately and Sansr kissed back, sighing heavily and making me want to do it right then and there.
"Sim, not here... Not in the mall..."
"Tomorrow, okay? I'll make it all worth your while."
"Ah..." I said softly, barely a whisper.
"You can leave now, baby..."
I got up and left her dressing room. I looked at my hands and shook my head a little. What was going on? I have never been aroused like that before... It was like I couldn't stop myself... I'd never felt that way before...
My phone rang and I answered in quickly.
"Hey, Sim, it's your dad."
"Listen, the hospital called and they want you and I to go see your mother. They have her on a new medication and they think that she will be able to see us both at the same time without flipping out. Can you make it here by 3:00?"
"Um... yeah, I should." I said, looking at the clock. "I'll just drop Sansr off and be on my way."
Sansr came out and looked at me.
"What happened?"
"My dad called and I need to go meet him somewhere. Can I drop you off at the college?"
"Alright, I guess..."
I bought her dress and we left.


I walked into the mental hospital and met Dad in the waiting area. Dr. Peters was there and smiled at me.
"Hello, Sim. How is everything?"
"Good, come with me." We began walking and Dr. Peters began to speak. "The new drug we are using is supposed to help repress some memories and calm the person down. When I mentioned both of your names, she didn't flinch but she knew who you were. When I said your names together, she broke down in tears and asked to see you both. I think it might be working but we need to try it out before we do anything."
I nodded and we stopped in front of a door. Dr. Peters knocked and stuck his head in.
"Julie? Dexter and Sim are here to see you."
"I want to see them..." she said softly.
Dr. Peters pulled his head out and smiled. We opened the door and saw Mom sitting up on the bed. She looked at us and smiled a tired smiled.
"Hey, boys..."
"Hey, Mom."
"Oh, Sim, you've grown so big... Let me look at you..." she said, holding her arms out.
I cautiously went up to her and she touched my cheeks, looking at my face in that motherly fashion and I saw tears well up in her eyes.
"My baby boy is all grown up now... I missed so much of it..."
"It's alright, Mom."
"No, sweetie, it's not. I did such horrible things to you and your father. I was a horrible person and I let you get hurt! I'm a terrible mother!" she bawled, putting her face in her hands.
Dad subtly pulled me away from her and took my place. As if he knew, she grabbed at where I was standing, making Dad come down as she wrapped her arms around him tightly.
"I'm so sorry! I made that happen to you, Dexter! You carried those babies and I made it happen and..."
"It's alright, Julie. All is forgiven... I promise..."
"And the way I treated you before all that! Kicking you out and everything..."
"Everything is okay, okay?" he said, pulling away from her. "I promise."
She sniffled and then held her hand out to me. I took it and she hugged me tightly.
"I let that man do so many horrible things to you. And I did so many things... How could you ever come and visit me and love me? How did you do that?"
I looked at Dad as he smile sadly at her, pity in his eyes. I have always wanted to have pity for my mother but I never could. Understanding, yes, but never pity. I touched her head reluctantly.
"You're my mom..." was all I could say.
That was all I had. I couldn't tell her that I went to see her because I wanted to look at what could have happened to me. That I looked at her with glee because she got what she deserved for hurting me and making me fear my own father, the man who loved me when anyone else would have thrown me away. She made me be scared and I hated her for that. But no one would know it except one person and they'd never tell.
"Please come visit me more often, alright?" she asked, looking at both of us. "I'm so happy to see you both."
Dad nodded and grabbed my shoulder, leading me out of the hospital.
We stopped at my car before Dad's and Dad looked at me.
"Are you alright?"
"You sure?"
"Fine... I'll talk to you later. Tell Uncle Tarot that the nanobots are up and running if he wants to see them."
"I will... Sim-Sim-"
"Not now, Dad."
I got in and started the car and headed back to the dorms.


As I walked to my dorm, I felt someone touch me on the back. I rounded them and Tayla held her hands up defensively.
"Sorry... I forgot about the whole back thing... You alright?"
"You sure?"
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine, Sim. Are you remembering things?" she said softly, touching my arm just as soft.
I wrenched away from her and glared.
"I don't need help from you. You couldn't even help yourself so how could you help me?"
Tayla looked at me with wide eyes but sighed and nodded.
"I will forgive you because you're scared right now. Just get to your room and I'll get something for you."
I turned on my heel and went to my dorm. I got on the bed and just grabbed my pillow, hugging it to me tightly. The memories came flooding back, full force this time. I buried my face in my pillow and squeezed, trying to keep myself from yelling. I heard the door open and close and I squeezed my eyes closed, hoping to become invisible to whoever it was.
"It's just me, Sim." I heard someone say softly as a hand ran through my hair. "You're remembering again, aren't you?"
I kept my face hidden, not wanting to be seen. The person sighed softly.
"I can always tell because you get a little mean to me when it happens. Some sort of macho thing, I guess... I'm not going to hurt you, Sim; it's me, Tayla."
"I know..." I said, muffled.
"Look at me. I hate when you ball up from me as if I'm from your past. It hurts me."
"I can't help it."
"I'm not them. I came to help you, not give you false promises. Come on, Sim..." Tayla said softly and I felt her lay down beside me.
I moved the pillow just enough to see her from above the pillow. She was very calm and just laying there casually, waiting. When she saw my eyes, she smiled.
"Will you take a pill to go to sleep with?"
"No. No pills..."
She was quiet for a moment and then moved her lip.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" I nodded. "Just like old times."
And she did just stay with me. No gimmicks, no flirting, no talking. She stayed with me until I fell asleep, where the last thing I remember was her touching my hair lightly.

Scientific Crescendo - Book 2: The Genetics Project 🪼✔Where stories live. Discover now