38 - Understanding Rick

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I made it to Dexter's house and all the lights were on in the house and the front door was busted open. I adjusted Prudence in the makeshift baby sling that I had made and crept as silently as possible toward the open door. There was nothing there and thank god there wasn't blood anywhere. I walked cautiously around, looking for Northern when I heard a small noise coming from the kitchen. I walked toward the garage entrance from the kitchen and opened the door.
"North? Northern? Sweetie, where are you?"
"Dah!" I squeal responded.
I turned quickly but didn't see her anywhere. I heard her gurgling and finally looked up to see her attached to the fan at the top of the garage. I made a face at Kalij's choice of hiding but I guess it was better than nothing and pretty inventive. He'd somehow got her up there without causing her to choke or move about enough to fall. Well, he was our father's son so he had a pretty good brain on him. I climbed on top of the car and unhooked her as she smiled and gurgled, hitting me on the chest in excitement.
I suddenly heard that same breathing noise again and I stopped dead on the car. I couldn't hear the words because they were muffled but I didn't have time to try and make out the words. I quickly opened the door and set Northern and Prudence in the front seat of the car as I got under the steering wheel and began to screw around with the wires to hotwire the car.
"Did you check the car?" I heard someone say from outside.
I stopped and gulped, moving my foot to hit the lock button. They clicked down as I found the right wires and began slapping them together to get the engine to turn on. The sparks flew as it turned over a few times and finally started. I heard the person outside the car yell and I sat up, looking at the person. I couldn't see the face but I put the car in reverse and blasted through the garage door, the whole thing ripping off and I headed to the hospital.


As I drove into the city, I was noticing strange looking cars that were parked in front of different houses sporadically, not seeming to have a pattern. My phone suddenly rang and I grabbed it.
"Jai? Hey, it's me." I heard Bay whisper from the other end. "How's Prudence?"
"She's fine but... but Leilani..."
"What happened? What happened to my mom?" he asked in a hushed but panicked voice.
"They killed her because she was protecting her. I'm so sorry, Bay."
"God damn it! What did my mom ever do to them? I'll kill them myself." He snarled as quietly as he could.
"Do you have any information as to what might be happening?"
"Not yet but I know that there's been a lot of screaming and such around here. I think it's an invasion and I mean aliens. Real ones, Jai... I-I'm scared, Jai. Truly..."
"I'm heading there as fast as I can-"
"No! No, don't come to the hospital. It's the worst here!" he hissed. "I heard from some nurses that that's where they are attacking first is the hospitals. They're also going into people's homes and such to do home raids but seriously, don't come for me. I've got Sim..."
"Prudence needs her father-"
"And I need her safe. Jai, you're the only one that wasn't stupid enough to get caught up in this. I can't believe my father answered that text and left the house... Where was Ace?"
"I didn't see her. I just went for Prudence."
"No doubt they took her too-" The sound of someone knocking on the door made us both hold our breaths. Bay began to breathe into the phone. "Jai, they're here."
"I'm coming for you."
"No. Don't come here."
"Jai. Save my baby. I love you, bro."
The phone clicked off and I growled, trying to call him back but it just went to voicemail. Knowing him, he was smart enough to take the battery out or something. I couldn't just leave him to these aliens...


The beating was louder and louder until the door was shaking. I ripped the IV and other wires from my arms, shoving the pole to the other side of the room. I got on top of the bed and looked over Sim's wires. I grabbed the breathing mask and took the nose tubes off, replacing it. The heart monitor was useless for now so I took that off but the other machine was doing something else to help him so I unplugged it and moved it over to the other side of the bed. The beating on the door continued on and I grabbed a hold of Sim, heaving him over the side and going under the hospital bed.
Just at the moment, the door finally burst open and I closed my eyes as I laid over Sim. I knew it was looking at me when I opened my eyes but I was not expecting who I saw.
"I thought you'd be here... You have to get out of here, Bay."
"Yeah, like that will happen."
"I can get you out. I promise. They're after Sim and they're after you. You must get to safety or you will be used for their experiments."
"Why should I trust you?"
"I'm all you've got."
"You ran away remember?"
Ichor looked at me and I glared.
"I'm trying to save you and that's how you act? Look, I found out what they were doing so let's get out of here."
I didn't really trust him for some reason but he was right, he was all we had at this moment in time.
"And what are we going to do?"
"Hide, of course. Come on."
"There you are you! You thought you could get away or something. Beam please!"
I glared at Ichor and he stared at me wide eyed.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know she was following me!"
We were both encompassed by a glowing light.

The hospital drew near and I was just about to get into the parking lot when flashes of light caught my attention and I saw the hugest ship I'd ever seen descending from the skies and stopping in front of the hospital. I saw it throw out a beam of light and I saw some people going in it along with a rectangular thing. It looked like a bed.
"NO!!!" I yelled, stepping on the gas and speeding toward the hospital.
I grabbed Northern and Prudence and ran into the hospital towards Sim's room. Please God! Please don't let him get taken as well! I thought fervently as I climbed the stairs, letting my adrenaline carry me up the flights. I didn't dare use the elevators and get caught in them. I burst through the door of the floor Sim was on and looked at the carnage that had happened here. It was almost like a zombie movie; or at least the aftermath of it. I felt like Rick in The Walking Dead right after he woke up from his coma to be welcomed to a zombie filled world.
I finally got to Sim's room and Northern stirred from under the sling. I looked down but all she did was move her mouth like she was suckling and then settle down against my chest. I sighed softly from relief and went to Sim's room. I pushed the half destroyed door open and found Sim lying on the floor with the machines attached to him. My knees went weak and I just slipped to the floor in relief and happiness. For some reason they didn't take him... I crawled over to him and touched his face but I knew that I would have to find a place. I would have to get him to safety. I saw a piece of paper laying next to him and I picked it up.

I couldn't protect him. If you're reading this, then I knew you'd come for him. They got me and Ichor. Take care of Prudence for me.

I crumbled the paper into my hand and stuck it in my pocket. I grabbed another bed from another room and got Sim into it, heading out when I thought I saw something at the corner of my eyes. I turned and gasped, falling into a wall and waking Prudence. There on the wall, written in blood was a message from our visitors.


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