29 - Flowing At Speed

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"Make sure he's okay! Don't let him do this alone! Grab his hand!"
"Will he be alright?"
"No. We need to get out of here but if we move him now he could die..."
"Bay, stay with us okay? Try and keep your consciousness here, okay?"
"I know! That's not the point right now! He's dying!"
Bay jerked again as the seizure took over him some more. We were walking and he began to hemorrhage in the back. If Ichor hadn't been looking behind me and started crying (the only thing he was capable of doing now), I wouldn't have looked back to find Bay leaning on the wall as blood dripped from him. I went back, handing Ichor to Kalij as Bay looked up and his eyes began to head upwards. He fell forward and began to seizure. I put him down on the floor where we were now but to my own luck, my water broke. I could feel it gushing from under me but I had to keep Bay safe.
"Sim, what are we going to do? You can't go any farther." Jai said. "Uncle Tarot is losing a lot of blood, you're going to give birth, and Bay is seizuring. What do we do?"
I closed my eyes to keep the pain at bay in my stomach and I turned to Jai.
"Get Uncle Tarot out of here... Take Kalij and Ichor and just go. Find help and get back as soon as you can."
"But Sim-"
"Dad's still here somewhere with Ace and I have to take care of Bay so go... Go, Jai, GO!!!"
Jai looked torn but knew he needed to get all he could to safety. He maneuvered Uncle Tarot on his shoulders and Kalij held Ichor close so he wouldn't jostle as they ran and they headed out. Bay grabbed my arm, his fingernails digging into my skin. I hissed but I saw the fear in his eyes as he looked at me. I knew he was scared he was going to die and even though my own child was coming, I would do everything I could do until Dad got here to help him.
"Calm down, Bay... I know it's hard but you have to. I don't know what's causing it so you have to calm down."
"Are you thirs-" I gasped as a horrid pain ripped through me. "Thir- thirsty..."
"You're water!"
"I know that. She can wait, okay? You're my concern now."
There wasn't really much that I could do for him because I didn't have the right tools and I couldn't really move. If I tried to move I would start to give birth and I didn't want to... I couldn't yet...
"Sim?" I looked up as Dad and Ace walked toward me. "What happened?"
"He's bleeding a lot and so..."
"We need to get out of here, son. I'll grab him."
"Dad, I can't get up."
"Ace will help you-"
"Dad. I can't get up. My water broke."
Dad looked at me with concern but looked at Bay with even more concern.
"It's okay, Dad, just save Bay. I can handle it here by myself until he's safe."
"I can stay with him, Uncle Dex. Please save Bay." Ace said, kneeling next to me.
"I can't just leave you, Sim."
"I'll be here when you get back but if you don't help Bay, he'll die. I'll be here, I promise..."
I gasped and had to sit all the way down, leaning against the wall.
Dad still looked torn but he grabbed up Bay and walked briskly away from us as a wave of contractions came and Ace looked at me in confusion.
"Um... what exactly do I do?"
"Th- there's a hole at the bottom of my stomach close to the start of lower half. Y-you'll have to lift my shirt and lower my pants under it."
Ace nodded and did what I told her and her eyes widened.
"Oh my god... what the heck is that thing?"
"Seahorses have a small opening at the top of their stomach when they give birth in the ocean. We're not seahorses so instead of a hole at the top, we have one at the bottom since we don't have any other holes. Is it big?"
"Huge... Sim, what I don't do it right?"
"You?" I laughed in the midst of my pain. "Ace, I'm the one having to push here. All you need to do is make sure I don't kill the thing and she gets out safely."
She nodded and I felt a contraction hit me so hard that I yelled out and I gripped the ground as best as I could.
"Sim, I think he head is starting to show. I think you need to push now."
"Her head... I think she's trying to come out now."
"She's crowning already?"
"Well, if my anatomy serves me right, since this is at the base of your stomach, it's a little closer to the baby than a woman's opening would be. Push, Sim..."
I began to push and I could feel my daughter traveling toward the opening. I really didn't hear Ace after that as I did what was automatic to me and I just pushed and pushed until I felt lighter and a cry filled my ears. I opened my eyes a little and found Ace holding my baby with a smile on her face.
"Oh Sim, she's so beautiful... Sim? Sim, hey, what's wrong?"
I felt so dizzy and I began to lose focus, passing out against the wall.


When I burst through the door, I found the police and my family waiting for us. Tamari ran to me and I hugged her tightly until she saw Bay in my arms.
"Bay too?"
"He needs to go to the hospital."
"We'll take him there sir." A paramedic said as he walked up with a gurny. "We were called in for potential backup."
I nodded and handed off Bay to the paramedic as he went away.
Tamari hugged me tightly and I pulled away.
"What took you all so long?"
"It didn't take us any time at all. The problem was that Gerald was using you as hostages and had the place rigged. We've been trying all this time to get him to turn off the electricity to the sonic fence he's been using. Once we heard the power go off, we waiting and Jai and Kalij came out first... That baby..."
"It's Ichor and I could tell you about it but Sim is still in there with Ace."
"Ace is in there? With that crazy man?" Leilani yelled, walking up to me. "You left her?"
"Sim was about to give birth and Bay needed to get out of there. I'm going back in and getting her."
"No, sir, you need to stay here." A police man said.
"My son is in there!" I yelled, pointing.
"We'll get to him sir-"
"Look!" Lottie yelled.
We looked as Ace walked out, half dragging Sim and carrying something in her arms. I ran to her and grabbed up Sim and Ace looked at me with a small smile.
"She's okay... She's alright."
I looked at the small bundle in her hand and saw a still goopy but very much alive baby girl. I smiled and told her to give her to a paramedic and got Sim in an ambulance as well.
"Dex, I think you should go to the hospital too." Tamari said, looking at me. "You look horrible."
"I risked my life to save everyone. I probably do look a little discombobulated."
"Sweetheart, you need to get checked. I know he did experiments on you..."
"I'm fine, really-"
Tamari touched my face and smiled. "You need to go with Ichor and tell them what happened. There's nothing else you can do here. They have it under control."
I sighed but knew she was right. I should get checked just in case he did something to me and left something in me. I climbed into the back of the ambulance with Ichor, who was hooked up to an IV and heart monitor.
"How old is your son sir?"
"He's sixteen."
"No, I mean this little one here."
"I know that. He's sixteen... he turned him into a little kid."
The paramedic gave me a weird look and I growled, pulling away from the one trying to set me up with an IV as well.
"Look, you just rescued us from a really fucked up guy. You saw the pregnant boy, didn't you? He's my son too and this one's triplet brother. Just don't ask questions and go with it."
They all looked at each other but seemed to agree that things just got a little too weird for them.

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