31 - May You Be Well

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"So the parenthesis should go here and the power of this number is this... Then why wouldn't that work? Or maybe..."
I looked up and saw Bay standing in the doorway. I smiled as he smiled back as well, his face looking drawn but alive. He looked so gaunt and skinny but it had taken a while for him to get back on his feet. Two weeks to be exact. I was still here because of the experimentation that Gerald did and it messed with something that the hospital was concerned about. They said that they felt if I stayed on the blood detox machine long enough that it would leave my system.
"You're up and about..."
"Doctor said you were still in the hospital so I thought I'd say hi... What are you doing?"
"Trying to find the formula to change Ichor back to normal. The police said that they found nothing in the building when they searched it. Sansr took all of her research with her so I'm stuck with this... I'm trying to reprogram the nanobots or something so that it will keep his cells in order so that he will age normally without going overboard."
"I see... Dexter came by and showed me Northern. She's cute. Not as cute as Prudence."
"Why would you name her that?"
"I like that song. 'Dear Prudence'... It's Dad's favorite."
I stopped typing and looked up at him.
"How is Uncle Tarot?"
"Responsive but if he doesn't wake up soon then he may never wake up... I just... I miss him."
"I do too... You can hang out in here if you like. Ichor likes to hang out with you guys; makes him feel normal."
Ichor squealed from the bassinet, trying to pull himself up. Bay wheeled his IV over to him and Ichor giggled at seeing him and Bay smiled sadly at him.
"Do you think you can do it? Get him back to normal?"
"I will do everything in my power to do so... I have to. It was my fault that all this happened and I have to make up for it. Tayla, Uncle Tarot, Ichor... they all have fallen victim to the scientific crescendos of us Leodas. I want to fix everything."
Bay leaned over and picked up Ichor as Ichor smacked him in the forehead.
"What's wrong?" I asked, looking at Ichor.
Ichor babbled in baby talk but I couldn't understand him. He stopped and realized that we didn't understand. I smiled sadly at him and turned back to my computer.
"Don't worry, I'll fix you soon."
He looked back at Bay and hit him again.
"What's your problem?"
"I don't know what that means but you need to calm down a little. Sim's trying to help you out... If you need any help then I will be glad to help you. I need to get back to my room though."
"I'll ask you. You can put Ichor on the bed with me and he can watch."
Bay nodded and set Ichor beside me. I began to type some more when I felt Ichor's hand on my arm and I turned to him.
"What is it?"
"Ga goo gee." He said with a shake of his head.
I looked back at the screen and backspaced what I had typed.
"Dak." He said with squeal.
I guess I was on the right track...


I was finally able to get out of the hospital once they found that whatever was wrong with me was fixed with the blood detox machine. Dad was able to take us home – me and Ichor- and I worked on my formula there. It was hard to do any type of work with Northern crying all the time in the night or just in general.


"Sim, you have to take care of your daughter... I know that you're trying to save Ichor..." Dad said as he held Northern in his arms.
"I know and I promise to be more responsible with her but my seventeen year old brother is a tiny baby. I would think that would be a priority." I said with a frown.
Dad sighed as Ichor crawled into the room.
"Da! Da!"
"What is it, Ichor?" he asked a little harshly as Northern suddenly began to cry.
"Don't talk to him like that! And give me my baby!"
I snatched Northern from him and coddled her to stop her from crying. Dad growled as he looked down at Ichor.
Ichor looked up at him and his lip trembled as he let go of Dad's pants. I looked at Dad and punched him in the face. He fell back and tripped over Ichor and grabbed the door ledge before he fell.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine... Sim, don't you ever do that to me again. I apologize, Ichor, for being so harsh to you and you need to calm down." He said, pointing at me. "Things are stressed enough without you getting your head in a whirl. You can ask for help if you want to..."
"Fine. Can you help me with this last little bit?" I growled, pointing at the computer.
Dad rubbed his chin from the punch I gave him and sat in the chair to look at the formula I was working on. Ichor tugged at my pants leg and I held my hand out for him to pull himself up my body.
"I see where the problem is. Just change this here and switch this for a twelve and... there you go."
I looked at the formula and grinned.
"Dad, you did it! You made the formula for Ichor! Did you hear that?" I said, looking at him.
Ichor squealed and Northern cooed in my arms.
Dad smiled and then touched Ichor's hand. "I'm sorry... Let's get you back to normal."
I smiled at Ichor.
The next day I made the formula and sat in front of Ichor on the couch.
"Now this is going to hurt, okay? Are you ready? It'll take a little bit."
I nodded and took Ichor's arm. I pressed the needle against his arm and pushed the plunger down. He squirmed for a moment and made a small cry but everything was fixed now. Ichor looked at me and then began to sway.
"Don't worry, you'll feel a little dizzy. Just lay against the couch for a bit."
I got up to check on North as she slept in her crib for her nap.
I went back and saw Ichor looking over the couch, looking dazed. I went over and helped him sit up as he looked around in a daze.
"Wh- Am I back home?"
"Yeah... You okay?"
"I'm weak... Thirsty... Nauseated..."
"I thought you might." I touched his face as he leaned into me. "You're back..."
"Yeah." He said weakly. "I'm gonna take a nap..."
I chuckled as his eyes closed and I leaned him back onto the couch. One down and the other to go... which I had that formula figured out so I went to go find Tayla.


"Ahoy there!" I yelled.
The big mound of grass turned around and smiled.
"I got something for you..." I said, holding up the syringe.
She smiled. "Thank god!"
"You won't feel a thing..."
I walked up to her and put the needle in her skin. I waited for a little bit and then she began to shrink. She finally got to her normal size and I caught her before she lost balance.
"You alright?"
"Glad to be normal again... Oh my god, is this Northern?"
I nodded and she touched my baby with loving hands as she took her out of the car seat that was beside me. She held her and smiled lovingly at her.
"Oh, she's so beautiful... Even prettier up close. Oh..."
"Um, Tay?"
"You're uh... naked and um... the campers are watching."
She looked behind her and saw the people talking to each other. All she did was smile at me and kiss me passionately.
"Who cares?"
I smiled and kissed her back.

Scientific Crescendo - Book 2: The Genetics Project 🪼✔Where stories live. Discover now