Chapter 5

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I might not see my sister alive again? Is the dude crazy? Of course she'll be alive! She'll come running up and give me a hug. She'll cry into my arms and tell me how scared she was. I'll hold her and tell her everything will be fine now. We'll just hold each other for a while like they do in the movies.

Or will we? What if she really is dead? What if the next time I see her is to identify her body? What if I never get to see my little sister alive again. What will mom and dad do? Will this keep them together or tear them even more apart?

My mom and dad used to be the perfect couple. The ones that still held hands and kissed (not like makeout just like a simple 'you know I love you kiss'). My dad always got her flowers and chocolates. She always met him at the door and gave him a hug as he walked in. They called each other when they were apart. To put it simply they were adorable.

Then dad started working more. More and more he would come home at unbelievable hours of the night. Then he wouldn't come home until the next day. He became more distant from us and my mom. She stopped waiting up for him. He stopped getting flowers and chocolates for her. They stopped holding hands and kissing. They didnt call each other and my dad usually slept on the couch. Finally my mom found out my dad had a girlfriend, Marissa, and she kicked him out. After a while she let him move back in after he swore on his, his mothers, and his fathers grave that he called off the other relationship. My dad stopped 'working' so late and he occasionally brought home flowers and chocolates. He had a seperate room and they were separated. They didnt know if they were going to get a divorce yet.

My sister's heart was broken and I hated my dad for making her so sad. She still was...why did I say was? Did deep in my subconcious mind, I really think she was dead? She still is upset, she just didnt show it and put on a false smile.

"Jen? Jen?" Mr Buntner was talking to me and I was off in my own world. I realized we stopped and were sitting still in an apartment parking lot.

"What? Sorry, I didnt hear you." I told him

"We're here. I need you to get in the back. Im taking Razor with me. Just get down in the back and lay low. This is not a good community." He got out of the car and I followed him and got in the back. He locked it from the outside in and I crouched like he told me to do. That is until he was out of sight. Then I got up and looked around the parking lot. I saw some questionable people then I saw the one thing I didnt want to see.

There among the gross cheap cars, was a car that stood out. A car that was very expensive. A car that I knew well. It was Grant's.

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