Chapter 10

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Heather was sitting on my couch. I thought she was missing. How was she there?

"H..Heather?" I stumbled on my words.

"Hello Jen." She said back. She wasnt her usual bubbly self at all. I wanted to know what was going on! She was the last to see my sister alive!

"What happened! What did you do to her!?" I yelled, crying at the same time. My mom rushed over  and pulled me in her arms before I could go over and backhand the girl. I cried into my moms shoulder, about to breakdown.

"I didnt hurt her. And I wasnt the last one to see her alive." She said it like it was programmed into her like there wasnt anything else she could say. I stopped crying and my mom let go of me.

I looked her right in the eye. "You know something and I'm going to figure it out." I turned to a police officer that was bythe door. "Get her out of our house! I dont want to see her! Not until she tells us everything she knows!" I said crying. If my dad hadnt walked over to my side while I said this I would have hit the floor. My knees gave out and my dad was there just in time to catch me. I looked up at him and cried into his chest. He just held me there and comforted me.

After a while my dad helped me up and we walked over to the couch. I realized Heather had left meaning they did what I had asked but not before she saw me breakdown. My dad sat down next to me.

I looked over at Mr. Buntner and took a few deep breaths. "What else has she said?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing, all she has said is those few sentences. She repeats the same things over and over again. I was surprised to hear her say 'Hi Jen'." He replied choosing each word carefully so as not to upset me. Rage erupted inside me. She knew something about how my sister was murdered and who did it but she wouldnt tell anybody. I tried calming myself down in my head but I couldnt do it.

"I need to step outside for a minute." I said and without another word got up and went to the front door. I walked out onto our porch and took a few deep breaths.Still, I was burning with rage. Finally, I shut not only the screen foor but also the big door and let out an enraged scream. After finishing my little outburst I walked back inside with a new confidence.

I sat back down on the bench and looked Mr. Buntner in the eye. "Fill me in on everything, then I'll give you what I know."


After along speech about how he is the only cop that would allow her to talk to him like that. And I could be with holding evidence blah blah blah, he finally told me about their investigation. Theyy had a few leads, arrested a few druggies, he told me things I had already seen on the news. I got so tired of it I stopped him in the middle and told him to give me the real details. He told me her cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head and that she wasnt alive for much after that. He said they had no real new leads. It was all very disenouraging. After what seemed like forever of bad new after bad news it was finally my turn to speak.

"My mom said in the car when I passed out I was mumbling about a car. No one had brought this to my attention, but I may have a very important piece of information." I said to him.

"Go on." He prompted

"I saw Grants car in the parking lot." I said to him.

"And Grant is...?"

"Grant is my boy, well my ex-boyfriend." I told him.

"Your're sure it was his car?" He asked.

"Who else in that apartment building would have a fire red ferrari? No one, they're all really poor. Plus, I know his plate numbers. And they were his."

After more questions and writing down his plate numbers Mr. Buntner left. He said he was going to go run the plates and look at security footage.

I went upstairs and went in my room to put away my clothes. When I opened the door my Aunt was in there sitting on my bed looking at my walls.

"Aunt Nina?" She jumped and looked at me with a smile.

"Hey Jen, I was just looking at your bedspread and stuff." She said stumbling for the right words to say.

"Right, well I'm going to put my clothes away so...." I was trying to be polite and ask her to leave.

"I'll help you." She said smiling and grabbing a bag she headed to my closet.

My closet was organized by color and type of clothes. Each type of clothing, like shirts pants sweater etc., had its own part of my closet. Then each part of the closet had its separate color space. My shoes and accesories had a wall to itself. My shoes covered 3/4 of the wall and accessories covered the rest.

When she stepped into my extremely clean closet her mouth hung open a little. I smirked to myself. After explaining the system to her we got to work. She had questions about multicolor clothes and where they went but other than that we were quiet.

After putting my many clothes away I plopped down on my cushiony floor and she plopped down next to me. We sat there for a while just looking at my closet until she broke the silence.

"So I know it's been a little wierd with me just showing up like this and with your sister. But, I just want to let you know that I'll be here if you ever need me." With that she got up and left my room. I sat there for a little longer before getting up to take a shower.

After my shower I went back into my room and on my bed was a letter and a black hoodie and sweat pants.


I see you have been investigating and have told the police about your ex-boyfriends car in that parking lot. Too bad, you guys were adorable! Oh and I'm so sorry to hear about your sister...wait, no I'm not. I'm the one that did it. She got in my way, and I didnt like that. So did that Heather girl, but dont worry she wont be talking any time soon. She's to scared to do that. She will only speak the words I told her to. Well, I have supplied you with a black hoodie and sweat pants. I have a feeling you'll be needing them very soon. Thats all for now sweety! XX

-Your Worst Nightmare <3


1,169 words later she has a stalker! What do you think?! I definatly want feedback! And what do you think of Aunt Nina? Tell below in the comments and vote comment fan! <3 you guys! Just to let you know, the week of the 22nd till the 29th ill be in New York with my church. We are going to help fix up a camp for our mission trip this year! So I'll try and upload lots this week! :)

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