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I look everywhere for inspiration
I try to find rhymes in turbulence
Try to find something beautiful about my stomach doing backflips
But it was never really inspired

Because Songs are written of love, heartbreak
But we never planned any of that
These kind of mornings
Where I awake to the sound of someone's  coffee brewing

And the sun is making shapes on my wall that I imagine are floating ideas
My mind still wanders
Sliding down an empty hourglass and I think I'm hearing theories

Theories about love




It doesn't mean much as soon I hit the bottom
Just words and phrases I can't string together
But it helps to know I'm trying
Because the little shapes made out of light
Seem to be smiling at me
That's enough, I think
That may be inspiration
But it's 6am and and my thoughts are still foggy

Inspiration is everywhere
Waiting beneath the ocean waves
Rustling with fields of green
Slowly churning with the colors of twilight



Inside me.

Inspiration grows
From the ashes of my heartbreaks
From the remnants of my dreams
From the fragments of the people

Who have been my everything


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