I guess my brain works in the same sort of way that I roll my r's.
Hit or miss.
Does it mean that I feel that much more? Less? Or that half the time where I cannot roll my r's makes me any less cuban, and I have to laugh along to "gringa" the same way we make fun of girls at Starbucks?
A lot of the time I can forget the thoughts that warn me that I'm running out of time. A lot of the time I can remember that most of the people I know are equally as unsure as I am. Of everything.
Most of the time, it helps to know I'm not alone in whatever game my brain decides to play daily. In doing so, I become some sort of safety net. Stable enough to fall back on.
She's got it all figured out.
This isn't a pity party.
I like being dependable.
Sometimes I even believe that I can look up at the night sky and understand my place in all of this. There's a lot of credit to give to a girl who knows it's all in her brain.
I guess for that I'm grateful.
But it's hard to be a safety net, because now I'm only getting caught up in myself.
Here I am.
Absorbing every single tear.
Trying to distinguish whether it's my eyes watering or yours.