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why did you do this?!..
why couldn't you do this?!..
why did you do that?!..
why didn't you think like that?!..
why this?!.. why that?!..
what this?!.. what that?!..
whom?!.. when?!.. when?!.. where?!..
etc.. etc..
it goes on.. and on.. and on..
look I can't think the way u do..
so don't expect me to be like u and think like u and do stiff like u..
u maybe the right person to do things right..
buy not me..
that's why I'm different..
I'm not like u..
I think different..
I do different..
I'm not the same..
I make my own mistakes..
and try doing things right on my own..
if needed help I'll ask..
or else don't go make me feel even worse than I already am..
it's not gonna change anything..
just let me be myself for sometime..
then I can go being u later if u want it so bad..

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