never prepared always preparing..

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when ever anyone asks me weather or not I was prepared for an exam or a presentation..
n I would say I'm not prepared..
cuz I'm never prepared..
I'm in the process of preparing..
weather I would actually be prepared or not..
I would still give the same answer..
cuz even for a sec I would think that..
hey I'm literally prepared..
that's awesome!!..
then later on my amazing brain would have to tell me otherwise..
n then the over thinking starts..
n it's an endless supply of ifs n buts (not buts as in booty) n why's n all..
which makes me literally not prepared at all..
I'm mean are u for real brain?!..
don't u have any other work to do?!..
u know I have other problems..
n I'm not less stressed out about stuff..
so y don't u just chill..
for sometime at least..
then I try n build up some confidence..
which is pretty hard to do when ur feeling like ur not prepared at all..
n then I nice you've got a bit of confidence then it's almost alright..
but wait there's more!!..
entering the other problem..
once your about to give a presentation or an exam..
there's obviously really very fast heart beats..
shivering or hands n legs..
which makes it like oh so perfect.. (sarcastic way)
like where were you I've been searching for u..
I thought I had forgotten something..
well now it's all complete..
I'm a nervous wreck..
a confused soul..
this clumsy girl..
and but obvious not prepared..
well it's a long process..
but this is what happens to me..
I wonder..
is it just me or does it happen to others too?!..

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