04 | team seven

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( team seven. )

Kakashi's short of nine years old when Minato-sensei tells her they're going to have a permanent team. 

It's been four years since she graduated, three since she made chūnin, and she's had her fair of temporary teammates—both those that think she's just a kid and thus, shouldn't be allowed to lead them on missions and those that think her shadow is that of her father's and that she should carry a legacy of shame which, no thank you—but she's never had permanent ones. 

Your class graduated, he says, we're going to have two of them with us from now on.

By the time Kakashi hit seven years old, she stopped caring about how her temporary teammates perceived her. Because—to them, to the world outside of Minato-sensei's home—she's a boy. And that means men's bathrooms and jokes on no peeking on the girls, and it sent sharp pains across her chest the first few times but not anymore.

They don't have to know, either way. It's better if they don't.

(She doesn't like going to the bathroom at all.)

But permanent ones are—different. They have an implication behind that means trust and loyalty and pack and Minato-sensei and Kushina-nee-san are those but it's still terrifying to think she can have more

(She trembles when she thinks about it. In fear or in excitement she doesn't know, but it's there nonetheless.)

The day arrives when the two who just graduated have to join them, and Kakashi wants to despair because those are genin, sensei, but Minato just laughs it off and tells her he's sure they'll get along. 

How?, she wants to ask, when they don't know a thing about what lays outside the walls?

"Now that we're all here," starts Minato-sensei, calm as always. "How about we introduce ourselves? Nohara Rin, right? Why don't you start?"

And Rin blushes a lot, but her smile is kind, and she's a biological girl and Kakashi—

Kakashi wants to hate her for it. 

Because Kakashi's a feral thing, bruised and bloodied and remnants of a wolf's ashes before anything else; a girl whose body is so wrong it feels like it should glitch sometimes, who has the smell of iron beneath her fingernails and the screams of her village's enemies echoing in her mind, and it isn't—it isn't fair

Rin wants to study medical ninjutsu. She likes cats. Dislikes spicy meals and liars. Aspires to be the best medic-nin in the future. 

Kakashi's never thought about healing. She likes dogs. Spicy meals are okay, and she's been a liar since before she was four. In the future, she just wants to do her job well and make Minato-sensei proud of her. 

(Proud the way her father had once been.)

She wants to hate her. So, so much. But—she's met kunoichi before. It's fine. Rin's naive but she'll get over it. And it's not like Kakashi can wish her innocence back. 

Kakashi won't hate Rin. 

Obito, on the other hand. 

It's just—the boy is loud. Loud, and an idiot, and so contrary to what being a shinobi means that it's laughable

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