09 | where there's the fall

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chapter ix;

Kakashi can't believe it, because today's the day. Kushina's going on labour. She's nervous, probably sweating, and Obito is as nervous as her. Rin will be helping Biwako, the Sandaime's wife, and for Goodness sake Kushina's going on labour.

Yes. Yes, she is panicking.

She's sixteen, and this is the first time she's assisting something like this, and this is Kushina, so.

She has all the rights to do it.

(Minato has them, too.)

They're already on location, and Rin, Biwako and another medic-nin are there, helping, while she and Obito —and the Yondaime's Guard, which includes Genma, Raidou, and some other guy she doesn't know nor has she bothered with learning his name— guard the entrance. Obito tries, and tries again, to make conversation. Not that she blames him, because the tension is high and if there's something Obito can't take, is exactly that.

(But hell, because she's tapping with her feet the floor again.)

(She. Has. The. Rights.)

They hear Biwako and Rin telling Kushina to push, push more he's almost there, and trembling inwardly, they hear again Kushina scream. Obito shudders, and for more than Kakashi has daydreamed a few times of silver-haired kids that have the Sharingan, she doesn't really want to go through that —because Kushina is screaming, and Kakashi thinks this is the first time she has heard her do so—.

Then they hear a baby's cry, and to be honest it makes Kakashi's heart go faster than in any situation before —except maybe when she's having, you know, moments with Obito, which normally include just hanging out or touching in some kind of friendly way, or what she interprets as friendly, because really, she's emotionally stunned, a social inept that can't read signals from a mile away; Obito's head over heels why can't she see it; and Rin sighs— and she can't stop thinking, can't literally stop thinking, about a boy with blond hair that looks up to her because she's his big sister.

(Her mind is one of a genius. She can't stop it. Nor she wants it, right now.)

(Not even a second later, she and Obito enter the room, and it's hard not to cry, not to stare in wonder at the little body that's currently being washed by the Sandaime's wife.)

(She has a little brother.)

Obviously, as it will be proven countless times in the future, nothing comes easily while dealing with one Uzumaki Naruto, and in less than ten seconds, an intruder is holding him and threatening them.

Kakashi freezes, and it's not until Minato runs away with Naruto that she reacts. At the same time as Obito, they attack the intruder.

(There's a Sharingan. A Sharingan. A Sharing—)

(Where are the others?)

They're holding their own, that's right, but the guy is good. He's fast and strong and has his eye shifting, with weird patterns in it— it almost seems like an evolved Sharingan.

("Let's dance." she hears him say.)

Then they're fighting, and cuts bleed all across her skin and maybe she won't be leaving alive, but she sure as hell wants to at least cause him injuries. Major injuries. Rin is with Kushina, Minato and little Naruto. Biwako is already dead. Maybe she'll be the next.

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