16 | where bliss takes over

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chapter xvi;

Kakashi's twenty-three and more content than she would have ever thought. She knows, she's had her hardships — everyone who's a ninja has had them. But, to feel what she's feeling now, the calmness that wraps around her—

She knows few know the meaning of peace in a world where kids are trained to be killers and trust is reserved only for those who see behind the walls of one's home.

But in Obito's arms, seeing a six-year-old Naruto play with other children, admiring the view that is Rin and Kushina laughing while watching over the little blond devil, and knowing that finally what she thought would be a secret all her life wasn't any more, Kakashi can safely say that yes, despite all the hardships and the nightmares, despite the loses and the not-quite ones, despite being a shinobi, she knows what peace feels like.

(And it's wonderful and absolutely breathtaking. Even if it won't last, even if it will end someday.)

(Because it will — her world is one of violence.)

(But while it's tranquil, she will relax and enjoy what she can.)

(Like the fact that she wakes up with Obito by her side.)

On other matters, not long after Obito's awakening from the coma, she came out to her friends.

(Read, Gai and her ANBU team. Her social skills hadn't improved much in the three years the love of her life had been playing Sleeping Beauty.)

And while it was nerve-wracking, because honestly, why couldn't her friends be normal, she's still glad she did it. No one else needed to know — she was a private person, and having her friends in the know was —and still is— enough for her.

There have been downs along the ups, of course — like the fact that she can't get a sex-changing surgery even if Tsunade miraculously is to return to Konoha, because she's already twenty-three and the operation can't be done if the patient's over twenty. Something about the stress that being a ninja puts in the body. It felt like she was numb when she first received the news. But with her pack's —the human one— help, she accepted it. Not get over it —she would never, she didn't think she could— but she had lived all her life in a body that was hers but wasn't what it was supposed to be, and while it hurt —in a different way than all the hurts before, but not causing less pain— she kind of moved on.

(Not completely, not really. But she had made a step ahead and not looked back, because she had enough regrets drowning her at night and didn't need another.)

On another note, Naruto's going to start the academy in two years.

He's going to be a shinobi, just like the rest of his family.


Heartbreaking, to say at least. Maybe because it means that someday his smile can be wiped off —the cruelness of their reality almost impossible to ignore— or maybe because it means he's growing up and she, selfishly, doesn't want that. He is her little ray of sunshine, will always be. But he needs to make his way through the world, and she knows that.

It's just, sad.

(Kakashi isn't prone to melancholy, but, she thinks, this might be it.)

"What are you thinking of, 'Kashi?" a voice behind her whispers.

She smiles —by his side, how can she not— and, mood completely changed, deviously answers: "Let's go home, Obito."

(And oh, how glad she is that the reservations in sex have been thrown out of the window.)

(Yes, she thinks as they close their bedroom's door, she's more than glad about it.)

(His hands memorizing every inch of her body, her mouth in his neck, the butterfly touches of his lips in her chest—)

(—his mouth on her dick, hers on his. Slow, fast, hard, soft. Thrust upon thrust, sweat all over them and the dried sperm spread over the sheets. Tongues with the taste of heaven and fingers that resonate on her spine. Shivers from lust and eyes full of desire. Her hands down his nipples, his dick entering her ass —raw, large and so delightfully his—; their bodies intertwined as if it were a dance.)

(Teeth and tongues and glances and touches. Hickeys and biting marks and fingertips imprints, and making love and fucking and their kind of sexual healing. Cries that are drawn out of pleasure and words that are melted out of love.)

(Sighs, cries, meowls, groans, moans.)

("Fuck, I love you, Kakashi." he lets out as he dives into her, fast and strong and a lot of things Kakashi can't think about now, not really. They're panting, slowly driving each other out of their minds, any kind of thought forgotten except those that begin at the other's skin and end in reciting one another's name on a pursuit of their favourite cardinal sin. "I— Fuck, I love you too, 'Tobi.")

It's wasn't long before the population caught on their relationship —they didn't hide away, even if at first were a little more reserved— and congratulations and glares behind their back came and went.

And though Kakashi rarely grins, she's tempted several times a day, now.

She's completely and utterly happy, at peace with herself, content with the life she's lived and will continue to live.

(And everything has ups and has downs, there's more pain in her soul than anyone can imagine, but there's joy inside of her and it burns every time she's reminded that for all that she's lost, she has reasons to live to the fullest.)

(She's loved for the way she is, and she loves for the way her loved ones are.)

(And for all that her fathers are missing, Kakashi feels —for the first time— like the turmoil that was her life has calmed and has left instead a peaceful weave of bliss.)

(She thanks all the gods above and falls asleep with the warmth that is Obito besides her.)

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