12 | where lips are locked

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chapter xii;

There's no warning. Kakashi's nineteen, and it's been three long years since that day. Kakashi's nineteen and completely unprepared, absolutely horrified by it — and by that she means that she's afraid, afraid like she's been only a few times in her life, so few that she can count them in one hand. 

The thing is—


Obito's awake.

And she's crying, trembling, fucking terrified

Obito is—

Obito is awake.

(Relief runs through her like a wave of shock, and it makes her knees so weak she stumbles and falls to the ground, with tears falling and completely unashamed of it, because for all that she's a shinobi, she's human, too.)

When she returns to her senses, she runs.

(She does remember to do it through the roofs, though. No need to scare the population of Konoha, even if she doesn't give a shit about them.)

She runs and runs and runs and—

She comes to a halt when she's a jump away from Obito's window on the hospital. 


Obito is—

Oh god, oh god.

She jumps and opens the window and—

"You idiot!" 

And if her voice sounds strangled, if she chokes between tears, it doesn't matter, because Obito doesn't even have time to react before Kakashi's on top of him, hugging and crying and murmuring things not unlike the first words she has said to him since he's awake.

To his surprise, Kakashi lowers her mask.

"You—" and then she kisses him, "Absolute—" and again, "Big—" and again, "Idiot!" and again.

(Obito doesn't reject them, because he's wanted them for a long time, but is still a little bit confused. More than a little bit. But either way, it's not like he can think that much because Kakashi's lips are on his—)

Their kiss intensifies and Kakashi can't be more grateful that he's responding, because that means he's awake, that means he's alive, and hell. She's wanted that for three agonizing years. And it burns, but— somehow, it's a good type of burn.

They part with gasps, trying to catch their breaths. 

"I love you."

The words are rushed, Kakashi's still panting, but her eyes haven't wavered. 

"I love you, loveyouloveyouloveyoulov—"

Obito pushes her to another kiss, this one with tongue, and with teeth clashes because they're desperate for each other —because Obito has only wakened up for Kakashi, and Kakashi's been waiting for a long time just to see his eyes-now-eye again—. 

Kakashi's tears haven't stopped, not since she'd received the news from the hawk from Rin. 

Kakashi doesn't know how much time they'd been kissing, but her lips are swollen as much as Obito's, and their grip on each other is still strong. 

(And maybe it's time to stop because Obito's just awakened from a coma, and he's weak, right now. But she doesn't want to, and neither does Obito.)

("I—" Obito says between kisses, "Love you—Mph—" and then continues, with a soft smile, "Too." )

(Then Kakashi smiles.)

("I know.")

(Then they proceed to kiss again.)

They're just cuddling, and Kakashi's trying to reassure herself that yes, this is real and not a dream.

And, if only for this once, she tries to believe.

They don't even hear the door opening, revealing Rin along with Kushina and Naruto. "Well, it seems that Kakashi-chan arrived earlier than us, Nee-san, Naru-chan." And Rin hides her delicate laugh behind her hand, but it doesn't work because there's a smile on her face big enough to brighten the entire planet. 

"It seems so-ttebane." Kushina says, already with a big smile on her face. She laughs when Kakashi and Obito let out little yelps because they hadn't noticed their presence and— anyways. "Come on, let's greet 'em. Look, Naru-chan, Kashi-nee-chan and Obito-nii-chan are awake."

(And Kakashi's heart breaks a little and heals a little too, because Naruto's meeting with Obito for the first time, and they're so much alike, personality-wise, that she can't help but think that he's going to steal her little brother.)

(She'll share, though.)

(Because he's his big brother, too.)

Obito looks surprised, but not too much —he's already been given the "you've just woken up from a coma" talk, and apparently, there's one— and gives the two women and the child a gentle smile. "Hey there, Naru-chan."

"'Ello," the blond says, uncertain. "Obi—Bi—Ob—"

Kakashi smiles, gentle and caring and loving, and says: "It's Obito, Naru-chan. O-Bi-To."

"O-Bi—" he pauses. "Bi—To." and then he smiles, proud. "To!"

(And Obito laughs — the sound makes the three women heart's clench, but it's okay, because this is Obito and it's a sound they thought they would never hear again.)

"You really are cute, aren't you, Naru-chan?"

They laugh at his teasing tone, but Naruto doesn't quite catch it — so he smiles, and laughs with the rest of his family.

Two hours later they're kicked out by the other staff, but promise to return tomorrow. 

(Kakashi leaves with a kiss on his lips and a whispered "I love you" that doesn't go unheard.)

(Kakashi then lifts her mask again and walks away, lighter than ever before and with a smile that reaches her eyes.)

(She's so happy, so utterly happy.)

(His lips still taste like sweets.)

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