14 | where the early bird catches the worm

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chapter xiv;

Kakashi's nineteen, has defeated Danzo along with the ANBU, has a big sister and a little brother, and is absolutely terrified because she doesn't know what the hell she's going to do with the mess that's hers and Obito's relationship.

(Maybe it's not such a mess. Maybe it's her, the mess.)

It's been fantastic so far, but Kakashi and Obito—

Kakashi and Obito are best friends, have been for the last seven years.

And then they kissed.

Kissed as, made out in a hospital bed, ate each other's mouth and tried to do the same with their tongues.

(God, they— they kissed.)

And now he's her boyfriend.

Which is—


Is more than she could ever hope for, but at the same time it's strange, because she's been pining after him for so long that finally kissing his lips is like she's living on a dream.

(She's also kind of freaked out, because she doesn't want to screw this up.)

(So maybe it's not the relationship that's a mess, but her and her insecurities and all that tries to bring her down at night.)

Obito's to be released from the hospital in a few hours and Kakashi doesn't know what to do because the Hokage sent her on a mission just two weeks after she and Obito talked.

(Fuck him, wanted to say Kakashi.)

(But Kakashi is a shinobi and the Hokage's word is law, the Hokage's word is what matters the most.)

("You're the only one I can count on for this, Kakashi. I'm sorry.")

(The Third is tired.)

(Kakashi is, too.)

When Kakashi returns to Konoha —having completed the mission days before what was accorded, because Obito's going home and if that's not a good motivation she doesn't know what is— it's four a.m., and she doesn't expect anyone to be waiting at the gates for her. 

(Rin needs her sleep the most, Kushina's walking but still has difficulties and she's with Naruto, should be with Naruto.)

(Gai is away on a mission and her ANBU team wouldn't come, they know not to.)

(And Obito is still in the hospital.)


She pauses when she sees a figure at the gates.

And wonders.

Because this was a solo mission.

Because there shouldn't be anyone there with the exception of the guards.

Because there is.

And Kakashi moves forward.

(She almost runs, having already recognized the silhouette.)

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

And then he smiles, completely unremorseful. "Can't I see my girlfriend after three weeks of being alone, in a hospital bed, abandoned and sad?"

And Kakashi—

Kakashi laughs.


(Then she lowers her mask, and kisses him.)

Obito hums in the kiss, passing his hands through her long hair —which is already long enough to cover her entire spine— and runs his tongue through her lip in a plea to deepen the kiss.

Of course, Kakashi complies.

(The guards at the gate just ignore what's happening right in front of them. Has to be a hallucination, this. Because there's no way that Hellhound, that Kakashi of the Sharingan is actually making out like some horny teenager at the gates of Konoha with a man they haven't seen in years.)

(Ha ha, that's what happens when you live off caffeine and have guard duty at four in the morning, one whispers to the other.)

"It's really early," Kakashi whispers. "And you should be at the hospital."

And Obito smiles again. "Well, I really missed you, so..."

Kakashi sighs —and just like that Obito's pardoned— and softly smiles. 

They're going home, now.

(They're going home together for the first time in a really long time.)

(There are going to be struggles, Kakashi knows that. She doesn't like her body, hates it in fact, and having a sexual relationship with Obito is going to be complicated in that part. But she also loves him, and maybe that's what matters the most.)

(As they smile shyly at each other on the sofa, because this is a new dynamic for them, Kakashi thinks it was all worth it.)

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