Part 29

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Dawn has yet to break when I rise and quickly prepare myself.  I plan to complete every last issue I have on this day, and nothing is going to stop me as I leave my chamber and make my way to the infirmary to visit Bai Qian.  

She is still sleeping peacefully, but I wake her gently with a soft kiss to her forehead then to her lips.  They are so soft, so ripe, it takes every ounce of energy to stop myself from taking them completely.  Though the slow rising smile that is playing upon them now, almost breaks my reserve as I quickly look away to bring myself under control.

Opening her eyes, her smile grows wider as she looks up at me with so much love, it tears at my heart so resoundingly, I find myself sitting before I fall down.

"I will be leaving soon to meet with The Skylord." I tell her as I watch her smile slowly disappear only to be replaced with sadness, her eyes grow weak and tearful as I continue and it sorrows me immensely to have to take her beautiful smile, but I need her to understand what is about to unfold around her so she is prepared.  

"Ye Hua will be here soon with Su Jin." I tell her, causing her eyes to widen in shock.  "It is part of the deal we struck.  We will all take care of her, and ensure she is healed fully.  She will become our esteemed guest, and I gave Ye Hua my word that she would be given every chance of survival while she is here." I add.

'Thank you Mo Yuan." she cried, happy in the knowledge that she would be able to make amends to the woman who had done nothing to her, yet in a fit of rage she had taken Su Jin to deaths door.

"Once he arrives, Ye Hua, Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan, will oversee the battle between myself and The Skyord on Mount Cang Wu." I continue.  "Regardless of who wins, Ye Hua will take the throne, and their debts to us and The Fox Clan will be wiped clean." leaving her in no doubt as to what that will mean for us here and for The Celestial Tribe.  There will be no war between us, and should The East Sea Palace continue to seek war, we will have Ye Huas support as well as Li Jings, there will not be a war from this.

Our deal has in effect, given us the revenge that we want, cleared Qian Qians debt to The Celestial Tribe, cleared their debts to us, and prevented war between ourselves and The Celestial Tribe as well as The Ghost Clan.  It is the perfect solution with the best outcome for all involved.

Rising slowly, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me before lowering her head to my shoulder and snuggling in.  "Mo Yuan, I understand why you are doing this, but please, do not kill him.  It will break Ye Hua." She pleaded against me, her soft voice trembling as she begged for the life of a man who would have taken hers without a second thought.  

And she is right.  Regardless, he is the only father figure Ye Hua has ever known, even though it was his first son who raised him, he was never loved by him.  The Skylord is the only male in Ye Huas young life that has ever shown him care which hurts, because he does not remember the thousands of years that I myself gave to him to keep his spirit alive in the golden lotus.

But no matter, it is the one condition that I promised to my brother, that I would spare his Grandfathers life, and I will honor the deal, but not without thoroughly and utterly destroying his reputation first, which I did not promise to uphold.  


The moment Ye Hua arrived with Su Jin, The Celestial Palaces Medicine King and Le Xu who is Ye Huas mother and the one who also raised Su Jin as her own daughter, Kunlun Mountain was put on high alert.  My Disciples are left in no doubt as to the high importance these guests hold, and no expense is spared to ensure their safety and comfort, which is overseen by my twin Disciples Gouzhi and Liang, who will be joined by Zhe Yan and Bai Zhi, once the battle between myself and The Skylord is over.

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