Part 36

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Bai Zhi arrived at Kunlun Mountain in time for dinner, but as Mo Yuan was nowhere to be found, and as his Disciples seemed reluctant to say anything regarding his where abouts, he decided to eat quickly then check in on Xiao Wu.  Whatever was happening, he decided if it was important they would inform him.  

"Xiao Wu." He said softly as he brushed a stray strand of hair back from her face.  She had fallen asleep waiting for her brother, but waking to her father suddenly had her sitting up quickly.  She hadn't seen him for days and didn't realize how much she missed him until now.

"Father." she cried happy to see him, while her hands quickly enveloped his waist.  Then jumping up straight out of bed she threw her arms around his neck.  "I'm so happy to see you." she smiled happily.

Laughing and happy too that she was looking well and in good spirits, he drew her into a warm embrace, before pushing her back gently to look her over.  She did seem to be well, and the enforced rest had done wonders.  She was almost back to her normal self again.

"Are you fit to travel?" he asked, then burst into laughter as she began to bounce about.  Her father had come to rescue her from this awful room, she was ecstatic!

"Lets go!" she gasped in delight, then throwing a magic spell about herself, she was dressed and ready to flee.  Rushing him out the door before he could change his mind, she steered him straight past Die Fengs open mouth and out the main entrance.  

Bringing her to a halt, Bai Zhi forced her to turn towards him.  "Don't you think you should let Mo Yuan know where to find you?" he asks.

The urge to leave had been so strong, she had completely forgotten about Mo Yuan.  Now hearing his name, suddenly brought back the thrill of the day before.  Blushing profusely, which her fathers notices but assumes is embarrassment at having forgotten him, she quickly turns her head away.

"Please give me a few minutes Father, I will let him know now." she said before running back into the main hall.

"Senior, where is Shifu?" she asked Die Feng, but the look he gave her suddenly made her uneasy.  "What is it?" she asked worried.

Not willing to be the one to inform her of the events of the day, he merely told her he was in his chamber, before turning away quickly least she see the pain in his eyes.

Making her way quickly back towards his chamber, she is met with a privacy barrier.  Frowning, she immediately called out in the hope that he can hear her.  After several attempts to gain his attention, she turned back towards her father.  Though not overly concerned, after all,he was prone to disappearing for days in meditation, she thought he would have at least come at her call.  Perhaps he's asleep and didn't hear me she thought to herself.

Shrugging, she returned to the main hall to let Die Feng know where she would be should Mo Yuan come looking for her, while also informing him she would be staying with her mother at the Celestial Palace as long as her mother did, then turning they both made their way to The Peach Tree Woods to find Zhe Yan.


Standing on the banks of the River Ruoshui, Qi looked out towards the Bell of East Emperor.  He had arrived earlier in the day, but with the arrival of The Ghost Tribe Generals, he had remained hidden while listening to the conversation regarding his Grandfathers eminent return.  And what he had heard, had his mind racing.  He could not move too quickly with the second part of his plan, least it unravel, but what they were planning would seriously put his own in jeopardy.

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