Pick me, Love Me, Never regret me.

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It was the start of my junior year in high school and so far my life has been filled with heartaches, heartbreaks, and mistakes. It was a new year I was going to change and this year focus on being myself and not someone who is seeking for attention. I had friends that I loved very deeply. Nicole the one who was always backing me up through everything ever since we were little and then you had Veronica the feisty little Asian who let me tell you could be sassy when she wanted to be. We had our lockers next to each other and all Nicole could talk about was her trip to France. It made me laugh because now she thinks that she has felt what it is like to be a French person. I sat down at the table outside the school building and I said "So did you meet any cute guys while you were in France or were you too busy stuffing your face with food?"

She lightly pushed me and she said "I am not fat!!" I smiled and I said "I didn't say you where but since you mentioned it I think you can cut down on the cookies." I winked at her and she said "You are such a jerk sometimes." I laughed and I saw Liam walked pass us and he smiled and waved at me. Liam Payne played on the high school football team and he was a track runner. He was the popular one in the school the one girls would do anything to just get him to talk to them. Liam and I went to this writing camp together where we met for the first time and even shared a kiss together. Ever since then we have been seeing each other a lot in between classes and after school. Nicole looked at me and she said "What is up with you and Payne?" 

I ate my sandwich and I said "Nothing is happening." She faked a laugh and she said "Seriously? Who could believe that. I think you guys should completely hook up. You'll make a perfect couple." I smiled and Veronica said "I think you guys will have cute babies together." I laughed and I said "You guys are insane. The day he will ever date me I think I will have a heart attack." I saw the captain of the cheer squad come up and she was the person everyone in the school hated. She thought she could run the school because she had a lot of money and her daddy always spoiled her with things she wanted. She looked at me and she said "I am pretty sure the whole school would enjoy seeing you be put out of your misery with a heart attack. I mean its a prayer we all ask for." I gave her a dirty look and I said "Says the girl who can't seem to keep her legs closed and already slept with half the football team." I got up and I looked her in the eyes and I said "You have a wonderful day my dear." 

She looked like she wanted to punch me but honestly I did not care. Nicole and Veronica looked at me and Nicole said "Are you insane she can make your life a living nightmare." I said "And I am suppose to be afraid of her?" Veronica said "I would just be careful you never know when she can snap it's like pins and needles around her." I said "Well I have to go to English. I will see you guys after school?" They nodded and we all went to our classes and the bell rung. I picked a desk that was not too close to the front or too far in the back I tried to find a middle ground and sat in it. The kids started to come in and this really attractive guy came and sat down next to me and he looked at me and he smiled this beautiful smile that literally burned my eyes and he grabbed my arm and I felt like I went paralyzed and he said "Hello my name is Colin." I felt myself blush and I said "Hey Colin my name is (Yn)." 

He said "You know I am new around here it's my first day do you mind showing me around after school?" I shook my head and I said "Not at all." The teacher came in and gave us the class expectations and he said "I am going to make you a better writer. I am going to dig deep into your soul and bring out a side of you that you have never seen before." To be honest I was quite nervous because not only we had to write about things from deep in our soul but also read them out loud? I was not okay with this but I looked over at Colin who was smiling at me with those beautiful grey eyes and I felt like this class was going to be okay. The teacher said "Today I want you to get out a piece of paper and I want you to write about how you see yourself as a person. What would you change about yourself and why. You have until the end of the period." 

I grabbed a piece of paper from my backpack and I titled it "The real (YFN) (YLN)" Once I started to write I felt like I could not stop writing. After I realized I finished a whole front side and three quarters of the back I quickly summed up my point. But I cannot for the life of me stop thinking about Colin. There is a part of me that wants to get to know who he is and his story. But a part of me still loves Liam and hopes that one day that he makes me his. I guess time will only tell. The bell rang and we turned in our papers to the teacher. As I was packing my bag I felt Colin grabbed my arm and he said "What is your next class?" I grabbed my schedule and I said "AP Biology." He smiled and he said "Crazy. We are taking the same Science. Mind if I walk with you?" I shook my head no and we began to walk to our next class. Either I was going to like this year or absolutely hate it. 

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