Part 3:

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Nicole looked at me and she said "Are you going to the welcome back party at the Ashley's tonight?" I said "What? We aren't cool enough." She said "Uh (Yn) this is the year to be wild and have fun. Stop being so down in the dumps. Maybe this party will bring you closer with Liam. Or maybe your first kiss with Colin. I mean anyone is dying to kiss that beautiful man. If he looked at me and be like kiss me I would giggle and of course kiss him." Maybe she was right but I needed to go shopping for an attractive dress. It was time to stop being afraid of myself and let the true me out and ready to party. The bell rang and I looked at Nicole and Veronica and I said "Mall after school we are going to Macy's and Victoria secret and maybe the perfume store." I saw Colin walk bye and I took the initiative to wave at him and he smiled that million dollar smile and winked. Maybe I will enjoy this party and I'm dying to see what Colin would be wearing tonight. These fantasies I have in my head might be a slight problem. 

School went by super fast and Veronica,Nicole and I drove to the mall and we went and all bought a dress. I tried mine on and I came out and I said "What do you guys think?" Nicole turned around and looked and said "Holy hell you look amazing." I smiled and I said "DO you think I should get it?" Veronica said "If you don't get it I might just have to wear it myself." I bought the dress and we bought makeup and shoes and we got our nails done. Even though we weren't really popular in school maybe by attending the hottest party in the block will boost our status up. Hopefully. The girls and I drove to my house and we went inside and I saw my mom and she said "Hey sweetie how are you?" I said "I am wonderful Mom. Where's dad?" My dad came down the stairs and he said "Right here!" My dad was a doctor so usually about half of the day I wouldn't see him until I was getting ready for bed. 

He looked at us and he said "What do you guys have in the bags?" I said "We are going to a party at the Ashley's tonight." He said "Okay promise me you will behave and no drinking. You know the rules." I nodded and I said "If anything were to ever happen to call you no matter how busy you are." He kissed my forehead and he said "I will see you later?" I nodded and the girls and I went into my room. Nicole said "Do you think Liam  is going to be there?" I nodded and I said "Of course!" We did our hair and makeup and took a selfie and I posted it on instagram. Nicole said "Are we ready to go?" I nodded and I said "Come on." We got into the car and we drove to the Ashley's and we walked inside. One of them came up to us and she said "Well I am glad you guys can make it. Alcohol is on the table but most importantly have fun!" I smiled and I said "Thank you!" Nicole and Veronica said "Well bye (Yn) we are going to socialize." I said "Whatever always ditching me." 

They kissed me on the cheek and they left and I walked around the house and looked at the different paintings they had. But this one painting caught my eye and I couldn't stop looking at it. I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder and I looked at who it was and it was Colin. He wore a black button up with dark jeans and his hair was perfect. I smiled and I said "Hello!" He said "I saw you looking at this painting and I couldn't help but to stop and say hi." I smiled and I said "It caught my eye." Colin said "You look beautiful come on come with me so we can go socialize with people." I nodded and I grabbed his hand and we went into the living room and there was currently a game of truth or dare being played. We sat down and we watched others do disgusting things and reveal some of their dirty secrets. Colin looked at me and he said "Would you like to play?" I gave him a nervous look and he said "Come on it should be fun!" 

I said "Alright. Colin truth or dare." He said "Truth." I sat and thought and said "What was the most useless thing you have ever stolen from someone else?" He smiled and he said "Well there was this one time I stole a girl's mascara for no apparent reason. Truth or dare." I said "Dare." Everyone around us started to say oh and Colin told them to be quiet and he said "Kiss me." I leaned in and kissed him and it felt amazing. Well the kiss turned out differently than I had expected because as every second passed by the kiss became more intense and I had to pull back. Colin smiled and he said "You are a wonderful kisser." I smiled and I said "You aren't so bad yourself baby." I got up and I said "Now excuse me I need to re hydrate myself." I turned around and I froze because Liam was standing there and we were making eye contact. He must have seen Colin and I kiss. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was hurt. He walked away and I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. Did I regret that kiss with Colin? Not one bit if I was given the chance I would do it again and possibly never stop.

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