Part 12:

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*Colin's P.O.V*

I copied the picture and posted it on Facebook and I said "EVERYONE SHE IS THE REASON WHY LIAM IS A MONSTER. SHE IS A SLUT. THE BIGGEST SLUT IN THE CITY." I wanted revenge and now I thought it was time to give Liam a visit. I heard movement downstairs and I quickly went out the window and I drove to the hospital. I drove to the hospital and I went to see Liam who had just woken up from his coma and he was sitting and watching TV. When he saw me he wasn't too thrilled. He said "What are you doing here?" I smiled and I said "Well I am your worst nightmare. But you and I are going to have a small chat first." I saw the fear in his eyes and I thought that this should be fun. A nice little torture game. (Yn) will be mine I promise you that!

I paced around him and I said "Why do you even love (Yn)?" He said "Because she was always there when I needed her. She was there to tell me that everything was going to be okay when no one else would." I sat down and I said "Well isn't that just the most precious thing ever. Well you see I just have one problem with that." He said "What?" I said "You see you have one thing that I want the most. And that is (Yn). She loves you and she can't stop. She is probably at home dreaming of you right now. What life would be like with just you and her and no one else. Well do you know how much that sucks? It's like a punch in the face." Liam said "Well isn't that quite unfortunate because when she finds out that her so called boyfriend is a psycho and a monster I am sure your butt will be done for good and guess who will be standing right next to her to comfort her? Yours truly." I don't know what about this statement but when I heard those words come out of his mouth I snapped. 

I went up to him and grabbed him by his gown and I said "Funny you should say that. I could make you disappear if I wanted to but no if I make you disappear then there is a huge chance that little Mrs. Muffet over there will do anything just to be with you. I don't see what she sees in you anyways. You don't even want to be seen with her. Let me ask you something is your popularity more important than getting the girl you want to be with the rest of your life? Think about it Liam. Do you ever think how she feels? She loves you but now is suffering because you won't be a man and own up to the fact that the feelings that you have for her are still there." He said "What are you trying to say Colin? Are you trying to call me out for being scared that if I tell her my feelings she won't feel the same way for me? Huh? Are you here to tell me how much I suck because I get it! Okay I get the message."

I sat down and I said "I am giving you a chance. I am not a jerk. But if she doesn't break up with me by the end of tomorrow then you are never going to get her again." He said "I will do anything." I patted his shoulder and I said "Good. I will be back with her in the morning." I walked away and I said "You have a good day." I drove home and I saw my dad on the couch and he said "Where have you been your principal called and she said you skipped today." I nodded and I said "You sir do not need to worry about me." He said "You live under my roof." I said "Yeah what is that suppose to mean?" He said "Your mother and I have noticed you have been acting different lately. Is everything okay are you not telling us something?" I said "Nothing. I am absolutely fine you do not need to worry about me." I went into my room and I laid down and I noticed I became this monster I did not want to become. I needed help but every time I ask for some everyone pushes me away and no one wants to stay by my side. I just need to know that I am loved that is all.

*End of Colin's P.O.V*

*Your P.O.V*

I woke up and I sat up and Colin was no where to be found. I decided to shower and drive to the hospital. I bought Liam a burger and a milkshake and I went up to his room. I walked in and I saw his eyes were all red like he had been crying. I put the bag on the table and I sat down on the bed and I put my hand on his cheek and I said "Who came to see you and what did they say?" He shook his head no and I know that when he is in pain he tends to push others away and he said "No one." I grabbed both of his hands and I said "Please don't lie to me. Who did this?" He looked at me and he said "Colin." I was confused what would Colin say? He is such a sweetheart. Something is wrong and I said "Colin?" He nodded and he said "Don't be so shocked. He is a monster." I sat down and thought what happened. Problem I don't know what happened. And seeing Liam like this makes me worried.

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