Part 8:

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I saw this tiny little freshman on the ground terrified for his life and when I looked at the bully himself I wanted to puke. I was shocked because never in a million of years will I ever think the Liam Payne had the ability to bully a poor innocent freshman. I went up to Liam and pushed him and I said "LIAM WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM." He looked at me and he said "You turned me into this monster." I said "ME?!" He said "Why don't you go kiss your little boyfriend over there and leave me alone." I said "No not until you tell me what is your problem." He said "You will never know until you know what I am going through." What is he even talking about? What is going on?

I sighed and I said "Who are you?" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes and he said "Someone that you once trusted." He grabbed his bag and walked away and Colin came up to me and rubbed my arm and he said "Are you alright?" I nodded and I said "Come on let's see if I can take you home." I nodded and we went to the nurse to get a slip that said I can take a personal day. Colin drove me home and before I got out of the car he said "Wait a minute. Can I ask you something really fast?" I nodded and he said "If I wasn't in this picture. Would you be with Liam?" I was confused and I said "What do you mean?" He said "What if one day I magically disappear not saying that I will but let's just say something were to happen to me would you go to Liam?" I said "It's tough because Liam was my first love. We were basically best friend who told each other absolutely anything that was in our minds. But something in life came and screwed us all over. And to be honest I would go back to him. I would go back to him in a heartbeat." 

Colin nodded and I knew those were the words that he never in his life wanted to hear but he wanted the truth so I gave it to him. He said "I love you I always will. Go get cleaned up I will be back for our date in a little bit." I nodded and I went inside the house and I wrote in my diary. I put it back into my backpack and then showered and put on a pair of shorts and a cute lace shirt and did my hair before I got a call from Colin saying he is downstairs. Sometimes there are times like this where I wish Nicole and Veronica lived with me. I texted them and I said "Come over tonight." I grabbed my purse and I met Colin outside. Boy did he look quite attractive with his black shirt and his dark skinny jeans. The way his eyes glistened in the sun made my hear melt into a million of pieces. He said "Look at this cutie. I am looking for my girlfriend. She is this beautiful girl I love do you know her?" I said "Hmm what's her name?" He smiled and said "(YN)" I said "Oh yeah that name sounds familiar." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

He opened the door and I smiled and I said "Thank you." He said "No problem princess." He got into the driver seat and we began to drive and I said "Where are you taking me?" He said "We are going to have dinner somewhere I wanted to take someone who means a lot to me." I started to blush and I said "Where is that?" He said "You'll love it I promise." I smiled and I said "Alright." He continued driving and after a while I saw this beautiful waterfall that was glowing different colors. I gasped and I said "Colin is this the place you are planning to take me to?" He nodded and he said "It was on my bucket list so now I can cross it out." He parked the car and he grabbed my hand and he said "Can you hike?" I nodded and I said "I think I can. Just catch me when I fall okay?" He said "Baby girl I will not let anything happen to you." I felt safe as soon as I grabbed Colin's hand.

We started to hike up this steep mountain and I forgot to mention to him that I was afraid of heights. Like deeply terrified. He looked at me and he said "Are you doing okay?" He seemed so happy that he brought me here and I would do anything just to keep that smile on his face. After a while of hiking I think the last time I sweated like this was when I was in kindergarten. We finally made it to the falls and I let go of his hand and I said "Wow babe this is the most beautiful thing ever." He wrapped his arm from behind me and rested his head on my shoulder and he said "I usually want to come here when I need to think. Because the different colors remind me of something." I said "Aweee darling what does the purple remind you of?" He said "It remind me of the purple lilacs my grandmother loved." I nodded and I felt my phone vibrate. I said "Sorry." He said "Don't worry about it. Answer it the call could be important." I grabbed my phone and I said "Nicole what do you want? You know I am on my date with Colin." She said "I know but Liam is in the hospital." When I heard that I dropped the phone and it almost went down the waterfall.

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