Part 4:

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I said "Alright. Colin truth or dare." He said "Truth." I sat and thought and said "What was the most useless thing you have ever stolen from someone else?" He smiled and he said "Well there was this one time I stole a girl's mascara for no apparent reason. Truth or dare." I said "Dare." Everyone around us started to say oh and Colin told them to be quiet and he said "Kiss me." I leaned in and kissed him and it felt amazing. Well the kiss turned out differently than I had expected because as every second passed by the kiss became more intense and I had to pull back. Colin smiled and he said "You are a wonderful kisser." I smiled and I said "You aren't so bad yourself baby." I got up and I said "Now excuse me I need to re hydrate myself." I turned around and I froze because Liam was standing there and we were making eye contact. He must have seen Colin and I kiss. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was hurt. He walked away and I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. Did I regret that kiss with Colin? Not one bit if I was given the chance I would do it again and possibly never stop.

I grabbed a drink and I went out into the back patio and I saw Liam standing there. I went up to him and I said "Hey." He smiled and he said "Hey are you having fun?" I nodded and I said "Yes are you having fun?" He said "Yeah can I ask you something?" I said "Sure." He looked at me and he said "Was Colin a better kisser than I was?" My heart sank when I heard this and I said "Liam please don't do this to me now." He said "Just tell me why am I trying?" I said "Liam you aren't trying that is the problem. You act like if you are seen with me your life is going to end or something." He said "You know that I love you." I said "I know you do but I don't know if I feel the same about you. I mean I cannot live my life in secrecy and I cannot hide feelings I have for you." He stepped closer to me and he said "Deep down you know you do not belong with Colin. You know you belong with me it has always been that way ever since we went to writing camp together."

I felt a drop of tear run down my face and I said "Liam you know that I love you. I have never stopped but why does it bother you so much?" He said "Because I love you Liam you have no idea how much. I wish I can show you but after what you just did I don't think I can." He came up and wiped the tears off my face and kissed my forehead and went inside. Love can play weird games with your heart. I know what my mind wants but I have no clue what my heart wants. I got a text and I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone and I saw it was a message from Logan. I unlocked my phone and read the message. It said "Well, let's go back to the day.

When I saw your face for the very first time. Well let's go back again when I held your hand and stared into your eyes. Cause I knew you were the one. With you my life has just begun.Baby, you can count on me." I felt my heart crush even more. I went inside and I saw Colin and he saw I had been crying. 

He sat me down and he said "What is the matter?" I said "Nothing." He handed me a napkin with a cookie on it and he said "Beautiful girls like you shouldn't cry." I said "Have you ever fallen in love with two people and not know who you truly belong with?" He put him hand on my arm and began to rub it and he said "Think of who is going to make you feel happy. Who is going to want to be seen with you and isn't afraid to hide that you are his girlfriend." I bit my lip and I thought for a little bit. I said "When we were playing truth or dare why did you ask me to kiss you?" He sighed and he said "Last night I had a dream that we kissed and then you told me that you were pregnant and it was my baby." I said "Colin. I may regret this later but will you go out with me?" He said "Honey let me ask. (Yn) will you please go out with me and make me happy?"

I smiled and Nicole and Veronica came out and suddenly stopped and Nicole said "I am sorry if we were interrupting something." I shook my head no and I said "I was just going to come inside and look for you guys anyways." I got up and I smiled and Colin and I said "I will see you tomorrow?" He nodded and he said "Of course!" He kissed me and I saw Nicole's mouth drop open and I grabbed my keys and I left with the girls. While driving home I heard Nicole say "What about Henderson?" I said "I can't wait. I am moving on Nicole. He had his chance to make a move but didn't." Nicole said "How are you feeling right now knowing he is probably at home heart broken?" I stared into the road and thought about it. I never wanted to hurt Logan's heart but what is the point to waiting? Colin had the guts to tell me he is willing to be seen with me and not be ashamed of it but Liam I still have feelings for him and I cannot stop. Everywhere I go I think about him. Did I make a mistake and let my head get the best of me? I surely hope not. 

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