Part 15:

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He said "Thank you for taking me out. I will talk to you tonight?" I nodded and I said "That would be lovely." He kissed me and he walked home and I went inside. I skipped to the living room and I stopped and I said "Colin?" He turned around and he said "Your mom let me in." I said "What are you doing here?" He looked at me and he said "I am taking you away with me. I made a mistake you don't belong with Liam. You being with me and no one else." He kissed me and he said "Come on let's run away together and be together forever!" I pushed him away and I ran for the front door before I was pushed so hard I went flying. This was a nightmare. Please tell me this was not happening to me right now. 

Colin said "Come on baby girl. Don't be stubborn. We both know that you want to be with me. Stop pushing away those feelings." I got up and I yelled "YOU ARE A MONSTER! YOU NEED HELP!" He laughed and he said "Really at least I am not the biggest slut in the city. If there was an award for the biggest slut I am pretty sure you will win the votes." The broke my heart and he said "Oh and I have a surprise for you." I looked at him and he said "The school read your diary. And I wrote that letter to you." I got frustrated and I slapped him in the face and I said "Do you like seeing people not having any power? Do you like being superior and think you are better than everyone else? Well let me give you a newsflash you aren't you are a two faced prick who is spoiled and can't grow a pair of balls to fix his problems. Instead he runs and hides from them." This must of angered Colin because I was being pinned against the wall. 

He laughed and he said "Look at you! Mrs. I tried to commit suicide my freshman year. You are such a hypocrite you know that? You try and pretend to be tough when in all reality you are not!" I said "Funny. Because last time I checked your mom filed a restraining order against your father because he was a monster like you. Now let me go." He said "No and there is nothing you can do about it." I kicked him in the lower abdomen so hard he fell down and groaned in pain. I said "Mess with me now. Suck it son. You don't scare me." I walked out of the house and I went across the street where Veronica's friend Louis lives and I knocked on the door. He opened the door and he looked generally concerned and he said "Oh my Yuma are you okay? What happened to you?" He grabbed my arm and I whimpered in pain a little and he said "Zayn can you grab the first aid kit. And Harry can you make her some hot chocolate? Pronto." He brought me inside and I broke down crying and he said "Tell me what happened?" I said "Colin who was my ex boyfriend abused me. I'm scared." 

He hugged me and he said "Everything is going to be okay. I can't believe a beautiful girl like you has blood all over this beautiful face of hers. Here let me get you all cleaned up." He said "Why don't you go shower I will give you one of my shirts and my pants." I nodded and here I felt safe too. Like nothing was going to hurt me. I wasn't exactly close to Louis,Zayn, Harry, Or Niall but I heard that they were the city sweethearts. I went to shower and Louis handed me his sweatpants and he handed me a shirt and he said "Feel better?" I shrugged and he could see that I was still a little scared still and he said "Don't worry we got you we are going to make sure that you are okay." I nodded and he said "Here go sit by the fire and Zayn is going to sit next to you while I go call my mom." I smiled and I sat down next to Zayn. 

I sat next to Zayn and he said "You don't deserve this baby." I smiled and he said "I am going to get whoever did this to you. And you deserve to be happy." I said "I am scared to be committed because I am scared someone is going to stomp on my heart." He said "Well if that person is dumb enough to do that to something so sweet like you then they must be insane. I can't believe this. What kind of man would put their hands on a woman? It makes me mad. But you are in good hands. Louis is a sweet guy. And I saw your diary and Liam is one lucky guy to be with a girl like you. Promise me one thing?" I nodded and I said "Anything." He said "Promise me that you will never give up on finding happiness and keep fighting and voice your opinion." I felt like Zayn was my older brother that was looking out for me. He wrapped a blanket around me and Louis came out with soup and he said "Here this should warm you up." I think this could be a friendship that can last a lifetime. I am most certain of that.

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