Chapter 17-The Deliquent

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You both walked a short distance until you had stopped at a large and beautiful structured house.

"The fuck?! The delinquent is actually  rich?!" You spat as awed at the house. He glared at you as he scoffed.

"I TOLD YOU. MY PARENTS ARE INTERIOR DECORATORS SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A HOUSE SHIT HEAD!" He hissed as he started to walk up a pathway while you slowly followed behind him.

He groaned before he knocked on the door.

I wonder what his family is like?..

Shuffling and voices could be heard from the inside as the door suddenly swung open, revealing a woman with short, blonde spiky hair.

Female Katsuki?....Oh damn...that's his mom..

"YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING LATE IT IS?!? WHEN YOU GET IN HERE IM GOING TO WHOOP YOUR ASS SO HARD YOU WONT BE ABLE TO STAND-Oh? You brought a girl home!!" Katsuki's mother squealed as Bakugo unplugged his ears.

So that's where he gets it from...

His mother shoved Bakugo out the way as she smiled in front of you,"Oh my gosh what a cute little thing you are!~"


"I thank you for taking care of my shitty son," She bluntly stated as Bakugo growled and just went inside. We soon followed after as you awkwardly walked in.

"Sweetie! Look! Our son brought a girl home!!" His mother called as a gentle man with brown hair and glasses suddenly appeared.

He hopped right over to you as you awkwardly smiled,"Absolutely wonderful,"

He then bent down and whispered into your ear,"I am so sorry you have to deal with this,"

You awkwardly laughed as you replied,"I-It's fine and my name is (f/n) (l/n),"

Oh my god what the fuck did I just get myself into...

"Lovely to meet you and now," His mother continued as she hooked her arm with yours,"How long have you been dating and when can I see my granbabies,"

You and Bakugo froze as our faces flushed,"W-What the fuck Old Hag! To hell I would date her!!"

Old Hag?..

You smirked at his mother,"Oh don't worry Mrs. Bakugo. There are tons of girls who flaunt over your son,"

"Oh please dear call me Mitsuki, and really?" She asked as she raised a doubtful brow at Bakugo.

Bakugo snarled as he shouted,"THAT'S NOT TRUE YOU LYING PIECE IF SHIT!!"

You were checking your nails as you snarked back,"You're right. It isn't. Because no one would ever date you for that shitty attitude of yours,"

Mitsubishi and her husband both cheered,"OOOOOOH!! BURN!"

"YOU SNARKY LITTLE BIT-" Bakugo went to say, but got thwacked in the head by his mother.

"Now, Katsuki. This is our guest," Mitsuki cooed and as well scolded him as he angrily grumbled,"Be a gentlemen and ask her to have dinner with us instead kidnapping her and bringing her here,"


"Don't worry Mitsuki. Surprisingly I actually want to here," You smiled as Bakugo looked at you wide eyed.


"Lovely! Now go in and ask her retard," She doffed as she calmly went to the kitchen. He cursed as you and him were left alone in the living room. You slightly laughed as Bakugo relieving ly exhaled.

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