Me: Whats up?
Jc: You and Jack could probably of been a couple earlier
Me: Omg Jc shut up
Jc: No seriously, like if i didn't know your situation I would have thought you guys were together
Me: We're only messing about, having a laugh together.
Jc: But theres more there Lola! You can't see it but in the year that I've known you I haven't seen you act this way with a guy before.
Me: Jc i'm being serious we're only friends, anyway asif he would even like me.
Jc: Oh so you're playing that card? Oh okay let me just show you this then
Jc came and took my camera, he loaded up the picture reel and showed me the photos he took of me and Jack, they were amazing. He zoomed in on when Jack had lifted me up like a baby and pointed to Jacks face, his eyes were on me laughing and he was wearing a huge smile.
Me: He was laughing Jc, of course he's going to be smiling.
Jc: He's looking you though, he is focused on you he's been doing it all day Lola.
Me: Just give it a rest Jc please
Jc: Lola stop being stubborn!
We were silent, we had never argued before, it was horrible, this wasn't like us. We stared at eachother shocked at ourselves. I could feel tears, it was so abnormal and horrid that we had got mad at eachother.
After a few moments of shocked silence Jc crushed me to him, he hugged me tightly and we stayed there for a while.
Me: I'm sorry (whispered whilst still hugging)
Jc: I'm sorry too (whispered)
We ended the hug and walked into the boy's room, the smacks were flying I don't think there was anything less calming than this room... it was chaos
I jumped onto one of the beds to join Mahogany, as the only other girl she was my safety blanket, she smiled at me and put her arm around me to reassure me, she was so nice, we watched the boys all smack eachother and wrestle
Mahogany: Hey I was wondering for the show tomorrow do you want to stand behind the decks with me, I always get a great view you'll love it for your photos.
Me: That would be amazing, thank you Mahogany I'd love to!
She gave me a hug and then Shawn belly flopped on the bed, therefore we had to get involved with the wrestling. Nash wrapped himself around Mahogany's legs while Cameron lifted me up and threw me on to the bed screaming "TAKE DOWN"
After we had died down from the various noise complaints Jack invited me into his room to sort out the photos.
I knocked on the door, camera, phone and camera cable in hand and Jack J opened the door in just a towel.
Me: Oh sorry Jack.. I.. uh I was supposed to sort out the photos and stuff
Jack J: Yeah come in, Jack is just in the room I'm just about to get in the shower
Me: Oh okay then haha
I walked in, Jack J went into the bathroom and I saw Jack G lying on the bed in just basketball shorts on his laptop, he looked up and smiled.
Jack G: Hey chick, come and sit down you probably know what to do with the pictures more than me
He patted the space on the bed next to him, I was hesitant. I was too taken back by his body, his abs were perfectly defined by the light in the room and he was lying so seductively I was breathless, he looked at me strangely.
Me: ...Uh yeah sure course.
I sat beside him and plugged my camera into his laptop. After searching through a few files I found the photos of today and scrolled through them to find the one Jack liked so much.
Jack: There it is, wow it looks even better on a bigger screen, can you upload it onto my twitter?
Me: Course I can, just give me a minute.
I downloaded it onto his laptop and opened up a tweet on his profile with the picture attatched.
Me: There you go, all you need to do now is caption it
He leant over closer to me to reach the laptop, he typed "Action shot of rehersals of tomorrow's show, taken by the amazingly talented @LolaHill ( aka our new photgrapher)" he then tweeted it
Jack: There we go, can I have a look at the other photos you got?
Me: For sure man (winking)
He smiled and pushed me playfully and shuffled closer so his bare torso was touching my arm, his skin was hot and smooth, god he was so attractive!
I clicked the button to scroll through the photos, we were laughing and cringing at some of the photos taken as some people were caught off guard, we got to the group picture and we both "awww"ed. I then clicked the button to see the sunset pictures, I carried on until I got to the pictures Jc took of me and Jack, I didn't even realise he had take so many, there were only 5 but I thought he had only taken 3.
The first I got to was of me running to Jack with his arms open wide with a huge smile on his face.
Jack G: Hm.. (smiling)
Me: Whats up?
Jack G: ... Nothing it's just... The sunset behind us, it's so nice
The next was of Jack hugging me, it was perfect, it was adorable, it didn't look forced it looked.. natural
Jack G: Wow, thats a cute one
Me: Hm... Yeah it is
The next was of me and him standing together, his arm around my neck, nice and friendly but still really sweet.
Then it was Jack giving me a piggyback which was so cute and I fell in love with the photo.
Me: I think thats my favourite...
Jack G: ... it's beautiful
Then the last was of him carrying me like a baby, Jack's face was in mid laugh, a huge smile looking at me and I was laughing with a hand over my mouth.
Jack G: Omg
Me: Hm?
Jack G: I love it, thats actually so sweet, could you download that too, I wanna instagram that.
Me: Wouldn't your followers get the wrong idea, they might think we're like.. together
Jack G: Yeah I guess but I really really like that photo, theres no harm if they do think we're together, I mean do you not want to be my pretend girlfriend or something?
Me: Um no i'm not saying that I just think they might have a problem with you being my pretend boyfriend!
Jack G: You should have more faith in our pretend relationship
Me: Well I'm so sorry I'll trust you!
We both laughed and I saved the photo to his laptop and detatched my camera, I got up off the bed.
Me: Right I'm gonna go sleep, I'll see you tomorrow before it all starts.
Jack: Yeah sure.. Um what are you doing?
Me: Uh.. Leaving?
Jack: Without giving you pretend boyfriend a pretend kiss goodbye?
I blew Jack a kiss and walked out, I wish I kissed him properly but I only just met the guy that day.

Different- Jack Ginisky fanfic
Novela JuvenilLola Hill, 17, a care free spirit, lives in California with her bestfriends Jenn and Andrea. She is actually from England but loves the states so much. She makes youtube videos, vines and loves nothing more than to spend time with her bestfriends...